Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - April 8th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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April 8th, 2011

[Apr. 8th, 2011|11:47 am]
Really dying to play a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles line. Willing to play Leonardo and Donatello. Hit me up at Or tag me here. Don't care what kind of line, just a line with Turtle Power would be great.

I've also got a Mulder looking for a Scully. Willing to discuss line possibilities. :D
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[Apr. 8th, 2011|04:39 pm]
[info]waroftheroses - his wife to help him in his dastardly plots against the king, current or former lovers, and his son(s)!
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[Apr. 8th, 2011|06:34 pm]


Hello everyone! I'm one of the mods over at MYTHOPOEICS; we're a mythology-based game at livejournal in which Gods from several pantheons have been reincarnated as mortals. Community based, events happen on a monthly basis which are part of a larger overarching plot trying to answer questions as to why they are no longer gods and such.

Currently we're looking for quite a few characters from the Norse pantheon we'd love an Odr, Thor, Frey and Jormangander to kickstar the Norse into more shenanigans!

From the Greeks we'd love to have more Titans, specifically a Selene would be love! Zeus, Triton, Hera, and Demeter.

We also have several players looking for Arthurian characters like King Arthur, King Lot, Merlin.

ALSO we have Egyptian, Aztec and Hindu deities up for grabs! \o/

There are more characters listed over at: WANTED

Reserves & apps open midnight, so come on over and reserve :3 ♥
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[Apr. 8th, 2011|11:05 pm]
[info]augmented: A Game for Freaks with Powers
and the People who Love (and Hate!) Them
Adds every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday!
Welcoming humans, heroes, and villains.
[info]auglines for all your plotting needs.
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