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March 11th, 2011

[Mar. 11th, 2011|02:10 am]
I have a sci-fi idea that I'd like to get another version or two of, if anyone would be interested. I'd like some heavy character development. Details on the line and me are in the journal.

(heavily cross-posted)

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[Mar. 11th, 2011|03:17 am]


I'm looking for a dark and smutty Dean and Castiel line. I would like it to take place some time during the last few episodes of season five. I'm thinking around the time Dean was about to give up and say 'Yes' to Micheal. I can give more detail if there's any interest. I'd like this to be threading and I'd be willing to play either of the boys.

I've been wanting to try this couple for a while now and this video just sealed the deal! XD
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[Mar. 11th, 2011|12:30 pm]


At [info]genome_project, there are tons of opportunities to fill storylines of every gender and age. Please check out our premade list.

There are two lines in particular that I would like filled if possible. I play a character named Penny Zimmerman [info]alwayspenny. Currently, she has her cousin in game, Johnny Jones [info]suppressant. Penny's parents own the printing press on the island, and Johnny's mother (her aunt) is their star reporter. Her name is Cordelia Jones. This is a very specific line that I would really like filled by someone who knows about print journalism. Penny basically idolizes her and wants to be just like her. As far as Johnny is concerned, Cordelia is an eccentric but good mother. For more information, please check out her premade here or either Penny or Johnny's journal.

The second character line I would like filled is also a relative of Penny's. This time, it's her grandfather, Dr. Jonas Zimmerman. Jonas was actually one of the founding members of the project and helped to discover the proess with which the current genetic manipulations are being made. As a result of the experiment, Penny turned out to have a great deal of medical issues, and it's likely he feels bad about this and that Penny's parents (or at least her mother) don't really trust him. Penny has a little brother named Markl who is four years old. Jonas's premade is here.

Feel free to contact this journal to discuss plot ideas. Also my AIM is somethingrogue and Johnny's player (Jessie) can be reached at Thanks!
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