Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - March 10th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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March 10th, 2011

[Mar. 10th, 2011|03:48 am]
I'm really in the mood for a super hero line. I have some ideas that I'd love to work on and expand with someone into a good gripping, engaging plot. I'd also be up for a faux-celeb line and have some ideas there too.

More details about me are in my journal.
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[Mar. 10th, 2011|03:45 pm]
A Boston based mob game.

Name of the Game: Boston Mafia
Format: AIM and Threading
Contact info: Drop Box or PM the mod journal, [info]bostonmafia_mod
Age limit: 17+
Starting date: reopened February, 2010

We're looking for more cops (straight and crooked), FBI agents, lawyers (for the city or for the families), informants, the matriarchs for the Italian family, more capos, under bosses, drug runners, car thieves, prostitutes, enforcers, anything you can think of. The ENTIRE German family is open (we have a hold for the boss and one of the brothers). We've been open for over a year and plan on staying that way for a long time. Adds are done as they come in, no need to impatiently wait to join in on the action.

Wanted Story lines
Wanted Faces
Irish - Italians - Russians - Germans
Law Enforcement - Civilians
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