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Writers Wanted

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January 1st, 2011

soul eater? [Jan. 1st, 2011|01:30 am]


Liz ([info]onee_chan) needs either Patty or Death the Kid over at [info]jones_locker. Although she'd certainly settle for any of the meisters or weapons. She's lonely and ghosts are scary!
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[Jan. 1st, 2011|04:06 pm]



Anyone want to play with either of these pups in a fantasy or medieval lines I do a Lot of Action threads but willing to play on aim logs just something small nothing big If so gimme a poke here with your sn.
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Looking for a writing partner [Jan. 1st, 2011|05:43 pm]

Screen Name or LJ account for character: AIM: hamsterrpg, lj tbrpg
Timezone/State/Country: Eastern / FL /
Storyline(s) Wanted: My character, a young man in his twenties, abducted and experimented on by a mad doctor. Can be used as a test victim for something easy or go to the larger scale of redefinition of a body part(s) and experimented with. Discussion can be made to plan this idea out.
Character(s) Wanted: Looking for a mad scientist/doctor, male or female
For RP Community or PSL: PSL
Any other important info:
-18+ please (21+ preferred)
-Third person storybook format
-Will rp via AIM or email or Journal with AIM for plotting
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[Jan. 1st, 2011|08:09 pm]


Looking for either a Tenth Doctor or Meta-crisis Ten for threading fun times. Long term would be appreciated but could be short term as well. If interested just comment here or at the journal.

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[Jan. 1st, 2011|08:12 pm]


Characters Wanted at Seeds of Beauty for [info]light_of_may.
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