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The Final Stand

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We're Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere! [03 Feb 2010|09:19pm]
Who: Azrael & Lilith
Where: Hollywood
When: Wednesday @ 9 PM
What: The arrival of Azrael & Lilith and the finding of clothes
Status: Complete
Rating: R for brief nudity & language.

Clothes? Yeah, Those Are Important. )

[03 Feb 2010|11:04pm]
Who: Riley and anyone else who wants to jump in
Where: Wolfram and Hart lobby, to start
When: Friday, January 22, 10AM
What: Riley attempts a bit of corporate espionage
Status: If this is ever completed, it will shock the hell out of me.
Rating: PG-13
Solid Snake style )

[03 Feb 2010|11:10pm]
Who: Buffy and Eliot
Where: His observation room.
When: Wed, 1-20, 2pm
What: Buffy is worried half to death and is trying to hide it.
Status: Complete.
Rating: PG-13


[ viewing | February 3rd, 2010 ]
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