Final Fantasy VII Genfic - December 13th, 2009
Because you don't *need* pairings

.:: Tragically Amused ::. posting in Final Fantasy VII genfic
User: [info]ffvii_genfic (posted by [info]sterling)
Date: 2009-12-13 02:54
Subject: Headlights Off (Chapter 1 & 2)
Security: Public
Mood:content content

Chapter 1 & 2 are now available. The links take you to my DW journal to read it. Otherwise, you can check it out on

Title: Headlights Off
Rating: R (Language, Violence, Adult Themes)
Genre: Action/Suspense
Chapter Word Count: ~1900 (chapter 1), ~3400 (chapter 2)
Characters: Reno, Rude (Turk-Centric)
Disclaimer: FF7 is owned by SquareEnix. I'm not making a profit with this writing.
Summary: Post-Crisis Core. A mysterious attack sends Reno and Rude on a mission to discover the truth about what's happening to their organization.
Chapter Links: one - two

( Chapter One... )

( Chapter Two... )

Comments are ♥. ^_^ (Apologies for any crossposting spam.)

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December 2009