Final Fantasy VII Genfic - March 24th, 2008
Because you don't *need* pairings

rabid_plotbunny posting in Final Fantasy VII genfic
User: [info]ffvii_genfic (posted by [info]rabid_plotbunny)
Date: 2008-03-24 19:44
Subject: Fic: Fly (2/7) PG13
Security: Public
Mood:hopeful hopeful
Tags:author: rabid_plotbunny, fic, sephiroth, zack

Title: Fly
Author: SkyFire ([info]rabid_plotbunny)

Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG13
Summary: Pre-Nibelheim AU. Hojo's filling in a form has certain... unexpected consequences for Sephiroth.
Genre: Humor/Angst
Warnings: AU. Totally. Probably a bit OOC as well.

Previous: Part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own FFVII or any of the characters therein, and whoo, boy! are they glad! XP

( Following Sephiroth... )

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