Final Fantasy VII Genfic - March 20th, 2008
Because you don't *need* pairings

rabid_plotbunny posting in Final Fantasy VII genfic
User: [info]ffvii_genfic (posted by [info]rabid_plotbunny)
Date: 2008-03-20 12:39
Subject: Fic: Abbreviation (1/1) G
Security: Public
Mood:hopeful hopeful
Tags:author: rabid_plotbunny, fic, sephiroth, zack

Title: Abbreviation
Author: SkyFire ([info]rabid_plotbunny)

Fandom: FFVII
Rating: G
Summary: Pre-Nibelheim. Sephiroth gives in to Zack's force of nature. Or stubbornness, in this case. ;oP
Length: Exactly 600 words. o_O
Warnings: crack!fic

Notes: I've noticed that in all the fic I've read, when Zack shortens Sephiroth's name, it's always written 'Seph', and not 'Sef' even though it would sound the same. Then the insane, rabid plotbunnies bit and here's the fic they spawned. Enjoy! ;oP

Disclaimer: FFVII and all characters therein belong to Square Enix and not me. The insane plotbunnies are mine, though.

( Abbreviation )

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