Final Fantasy VII

For Fandom

January 3rd, 2009

Have a drabble fic! @ 11:51 pm

Title: Eruption
Author: [info]almighty_frog
Rating: G
Length: er, short? Just over drabble-length.
Warnings: spoilers up to Modeoheim in Crisis Core. Also will make absolutely no sense if you don't at least know a little about the gameplay in Crisis Core.
Summary: Zack always thought that “Digital Mind Wave” was the coolest name ever for his Limit.

( Eruption )

December 30th, 2008

10 RPscenes continuance! @ 04:14 am

Title: Diving
Authors: [info]icedark_elf and [info]skeren
Characters: Zack Fair and Sephiroth
Fandom: Final Fantasy Seven
Theme Set: HW1
Theme: Worried 50
Warnings and Notes: Zack by Dark, Seph by Skeren, and Cloud... passed around as a party favor, of course!

Off with the rejects

December 23rd, 2008

(no subject) @ 10:34 am

Title: Fallen Child
Characters: Sephiroth, Rufus
Words: 883
Warning: Implications of sexual things and not so pleasant ones.
Note: My incubus Seph's beginnings, for one [info]ladynero. Enjoy!

The young tend to be arrogant

December 18th, 2008

Nations - Telling @ 12:19 pm

Title: Telling
Arc: Nations
Characters: Sephiroth, Cloud
Words: 546
Rating: G
Warning: The AUness!
Arc summary: It's an alternate universe where Sephiroth is a king, while Zack, Cloud, Vincent, and Rufus are his harem slaves, who he has renamed as gems.
Note: Blame this bit on [info]althaea101 Follow the tags to get to previous parts, which are in order. Comments appreciated!

A hint of troubles

December 16th, 2008

Reno/Tifa one-shot: Just for today @ 06:16 am

Title: Just for today 
Fandom: FF7 
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Reno/Tifa 
Rating: PG13 for… o.o het. 
Disclaimer: I do not own or make money off ff7. 
Summary: Post-DoC. Reno spends his Christmas eve with Tifa, sort of. 
A/n: Because studying gives me headaches, drives me crazy and I’m pretty much done with studying for today, I’ve decided to write this-- for Buyo. 

December 13th, 2008

Vision Lost: Mirrored Lapse @ 09:55 pm

Title: Mirrored Lapse
Arc: Vision Lost
Fandom: FF7
Characters: Vincent
Wordcount: 1322
Warnings: None exactly
Note: Vincent is not to be excluded from things as they stand, now is he?

Word of a Monster

December 5th, 2008

An Introduction and a bunch of fic links @ 09:35 pm

Hello all! I've been getting back into FF7 fandom recently, and have to say I'm very happy to find a community that accepts yaoi, het, and gen, since I write all of the above.

As you'll be able to guess from my list of fics thus far, I am a particular fan of the Turks. And Rufus. Particularly Rufus. It's sort of funny because I hadn't paid much attention to him when I was playing the game, but I happened to pick up a fanfic prompt involving him and discovered that I love writing him. But I will stop talking and get on to fic-listing.

Rather than take up a bunch of posts putting up all the fics I've written over the past few weeks, I'll just put up a list.

The Ongoing Saga of Reno and Rufus (For a 100 theme challenge, Rufus/Reno, fics in an arc, 1000+ words each)

Babysitting [T] Reno, Rufus (Before Crisis timeline. Reno has to keep an eye on Rufus. Much snarking ensues)
Being Watched [K+] Reno/Rufus (Two years later. Rufus wants to know why Reno has been watching him)
All You Have to Offer [MA] Reno/Rufus (Direct continuation of the above. Plot implied by the rating, methinks)
An Encounter with a Wild Beast [T] Reno/Rufus, Dark Nation, unnamed attendant (Reno meets Dark Nation under somewhat unfortunate circumstances. Silly fic.)
Beer is Not Enough [T] Reno, Rude, mentions of Rufus (Rude takes care of Reno after Rufus dumps him)
The Worst... [T] Rufus, Reno, Rude, brief mention of Elena (Meanwhile, Rufus was having issues of his own)
Reno can Remember [T] Reno, much thought on Rufus, and several other people in passing (Reno had a rough handful of days after he heard the news about Rufus)
Talking to the Air [T] Rufus and a lot of other people, most of whom aren't actually present. (Rufus was having a rough handful of days too, but in a different kind of way)
An Unexpected Visit [T] Reno/Rufus (And the fic that actually started it all. Not too long after the end of the original game, Rufus reappears at Reno's doorway)


The Man in the Mirror [PG] Rufus, drabble
Ivory and Gold [PG] Rufus/Tseng, drabble
100 Rufus Drabbles [T overall, probably] One drabble about Rufus for each of 100 themes (only one actually finished)
Jenova Drabbles [PG] Rufus, Reno, other Turks briefly, Kadaj, Hojo, Lucrecia. Not all in the same one.
Don't You Dare Cry [PG] Tseng/Elena (Tseng didn't die, and that is a happy thing. Kind of fluffy sweet, or as close to it as Turks ever get)
From the Mouths of Idiots [T] Tseng/Elena-ish, Reno, Rude, Cloud, mentions of Rosalind (Elena introspective. Her thoughts during that bit in the original game where Reno and Rude were chatting about who likes who)
Don't Give Up Now [T] Tseng, Cait Sith (One possible reason for Tseng not dying)
Because You're Turks [T] Rufus, Turks (Rufus has amnesia. Not crack, I promise.)

Have fun with those!

November 21st, 2008

[fic] Bricks at the Devil @ 08:33 am

Current Music: Sami Yusuf (ft. Outlandish) - Try Not to Cry

Rating: Bricks at the Devil
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: worksafe
Characters: Yuffie
Word count: 1,240
Summary: Don't show your tears to your oppressors; don't show your tears.
A/N: This is inspired by a song by Sami Yusuf, "Try Not to Cry," and the title comes from the line "I throw bricks at the devil, so I'll be sure to hit him."

"Rotten cotton" refers to a Chinese idiom, 金玉其外,败絮其中 (jin yu qi wai, bai xu qi zhong) - "Gold and jade on the outside, but rotten cotton on the inside." Likewise, "treaty at the wall" comes from the four-character compound 城下之盟 (cheng xia zhi meng) - "A treaty signed at the city wall," which means "accepting humiliating terms of peace under duress"--because the enemy is right there at the walls of the city about to sack you like whoa.

Bricks at the Devil

November 20th, 2008

(no subject) @ 06:01 pm

Title: Just Like That
Characters: Cid
Rating: Caution due to Cid talk
Summary: Cid really didn't like the logic being used here.


November 5th, 2008

Faded Line @ 11:00 pm

Title: Faded Line
Characters: Cloud, Sephiroth
Words: 819
Note: Written for [info]croixsouillees Because she's been craving Seph/Cloud stuff.
Summary: The lines of reality thin after a while.


November 4th, 2008

Nations: Visitors @ 03:19 pm

Title: Visitors
Arc: Nations
Fandom: FF7
Characters: Yuffie, Tseng
Words: 571
Rating: G
Warning: The AUness!
Arc summary: It's an alternate universe where Sephiroth is a king, while Zack, Cloud, Vincent, and Rufus are his harem slaves, who he has renamed as gems.
Note: Follow the tags to get to previous parts, which are in order. Comments appreciated!

Are we there yet?

November 3rd, 2008

Becoming (Kadaj) @ 07:11 pm

Title: Becoming
Warnings: None, just…odd
Word count: 349
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Kadaj: lost - Who am I? Why am I here? What is it that I'm searching for in this strange place, day after day?
Summary: On how Jenova and the Lifestream worked together and against each other to create the Shinentai, from one disjointed point of view.
A/N: This bit plays on an idea we’ve been kicking around, that the three silver-haired men were modeled after the three friends of Loveless, via Crisis Core. They’re the clearest models Jenova would have had to work with, and the resemblance is striking.

Becoming )

October 27th, 2008

Entropy, And Financial Fantasy (FFVII/XII crossover; Tseng/Rufus/Balthier) @ 02:17 am

Entropy, And Financial Fantasy

Fandom: FFXII/FFVII (Stockmarket AU)
Characters/Pairings: Balthier/Rufus, implied Tseng/Rufus, Balthier/Tseng
Rating/Warnings: PG13
Word Count: 2529
Summary: Rufus re-negotiates his territory. Balthier rearranges it. Post-original canon.

Functional explanation: The joint fault of [info]karanguni and [info]logistika_nyx. More excuses can be found here!

( Entropy isn't Tseng's favoured form of therapy. )

October 24th, 2008

For Everything Else There's The Theoretical Joint Bunansa-Shinra Empire (Part 2 of 3) @ 08:50 am

Some Things You Can't Buy, For Everything Else There's The Theoretical Joint Bunansa-Shinra Empire (Part 2 of 3)

Part 1 here.

Fandom: FFXII/FFVII (Stockmarket AU)
Characters/Pairings: Balthier/Tseng, Tseng/Rufus, Balthier/Rufus
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Word Count: 6907
Summary: Tseng's in New York, Balthier's in London, and Rufus is in the sky as the world burns around them. Hedging on futures can be such tricky things.

Functional explanation: The joint fault of [info]karanguni and [info]logistika_nyx. More excuses can be found here!

( Tseng doesn't play games. But he does play. And well. )

October 22nd, 2008

Nations: Mistress @ 05:36 am

Title: Mistress
Arc: Nations
Fandom: FF7
Characters: Sephiroth
Words: 900
Rating: G
Warning: The AUness!
Arc summary: It's an alternate universe where Sephiroth is a king, while Zack, Cloud, Vincent, and Rufus are his harem slaves, who he has renamed as gems.
Note: Follow the tags to get to previous parts, which are in order. Comments appreciated!

( Of course they'd waited to inform him. )

Stockmarket AU (Tseng/Rufus, Tseng/Balthier, Tseng/Rufus/Balthier) @ 02:40 pm

Is that a trust fund in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? (Part 1 of 3)

Fandom: FFXII/FFVII (Stockmarket AU)
Characters/Pairings: Balthier/Tseng, Tseng/Rufus, Balthier/Rufus
Rating/Warnings: R
Word Count: 2558
Summary: Tseng's in New York, Balthier's in London, and Rufus is in the sky as the world burns around them. Hedging on futures can be such tricky things.

Functional explanation: The joint fault of [info]karanguni and [info]logistika_nyx. More excuses can be found here!

( 'He's a Bunansa. You're a Shinra. Tell me how this will go well, Rufus.' )

October 8th, 2008

The Tale of the Problem Customer (Crack - Rufus and the Turks) @ 06:23 pm


Title: The Tale of the Problem Customer
Warnings: Crack – and high cholesterol levels.
Word count: 855
Final Fantasy VII, Rufus & Turks: crackfic and/or AU - Shinra does McDonalds
Summary: In which Reno and Elena face adversity and Tseng earns his managerial wings.
A/N: Dedicated to everyone who has ever wanted to strangle the living shit out of a badly-behaved customer.


October 5th, 2008

[fic] Confutatis Maledictis @ 01:21 pm

Current Music: Mozart Requiem - Dies Irae

Title: Confutatis maledictis
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 953
Summary: There are some thing Sephiroth will never say.
A/N: Written for [info]areyougame. "Confutatis maledictis" is from the Dies Irae, and means "The wicked are confounded." Also, what's up with all the first person I've been writing lately?!
Prompt: Sephiroth, angst – salt in an open wound

Confutatis maledictus

[fic] Flammis acribus addictis @ 01:19 pm

Current Music: Mozart Requiem - Dies Irae

Title: Flammis acribus addictis
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: PG
Warnings: Genesis cusses like a sailor in his own head. Who knew?
Word count: 310
Summary: And the wicked shall be consigned to the flames.
A/N: Written for [info]areyougame. "Flammis acribus addictis" is from the "Dies Irae" and means "Consigned to the sharp flames." Also, yay playing fast and loose with the prompt. Heh. It is the job of the fanfic writer to always subvert the text, after all. XD
Prompt: Sephiroth/Genesis: comfort/rescue - The world was on fire, no one could save me but you.

Flammis acribus addictis

[fic] Make It Up @ 01:17 pm

Current Music: DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince - Parents Just Don't Understand

Title: Make It Up
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,696
Summary: One day, he'd make it up to him.
A/N: For [info]areyougame. Angeal and Genesis are about thirteen, fourteen here and this is prior to the Wutai war breaking out by about a year or two.
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: Teenage talk – “My parents suck.”

Make It Up