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[Jan. 1st, 2008|03:55 pm]
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From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-11 05:57 am (UTC)


"Well hot damn!" Not two doors down there was a Victoria's Secret. "Guess Vickie's uptown, too." Pushing through the glass door she took a deep whiff. In a strange way it was like coming home. She freaking loved this place. "Play it cool," she answered as she flowed through the aisles and aisles of lace. "Just you know kinda close to the vest. You don't wanna come off cold or difficult. Just be sure you know why you're doing whatever it is you're doing. Be honest with yourself whichever way it goes and you wont have any morning after guilt either way."

She began to head towards hosiery when this dress jumped out and pulled her head sideways. Stopping dead in her tracks she stroked it reverently. It seemed as though it was made for her body. Lifting the hangar she held the garment against her body for Buffy's inspection. "What do you think?"
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-22 01:52 am (UTC)


Buffy listened intently as her friend gave her advice on how to conduct herself on the date. She couldn't help be so nervous.

Buffy's thumbs went into her belt loops as she imagined the piece on her friend's body before she caught herself staring. She blinked a few times and cleared her throat. "Sorry... I think I was channeling Xander again. I think that Will will appreciate that dress. I think I've got a little clutch that would go well with it."

She looked at some of the dresses around close to them.

From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-22 09:12 pm (UTC)


This wicked sexy smirk curved the slayer's dark full lips. Ya know, about 8-9 years ago she would've killed to get that look from B. But the world's changed a lot since then. She'd changed. But it was still a hell of an ego trip. She glowed for a second over her little victory. "It's cool," she giggled happily forgiving the Xander moment. Tossing the dress over her shoulder she had a little mercy the blonde.

Now she knew she could stop traffic in this dress. Now for the rest. "Yeah, thanks." Tucking her hair behind her ear she asked, "Say B, think you could help me out with the makeup thing too? I really wanna do something classier than club whore chic, ya know." Poor B was really twisted up over this chick. A little distraction couldn't hurt. Nothing wrong with benefitting a little in the process. But this was not teeny girl bonding. They were grown women. They'd moved on to different people. And yet there was this little part of her that was glad the blonde hadn't left yet, that wanted Buffy to help her get pretty and to do the same for her.