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June 6th, 2010

[info]to_be_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

To Be or Not to Be, a Harry Potter Post-DH RPG

Stats (5/2 - 5/31)
*52 completed threads
*20 players
*35 characters
*62% returning to Hogwarts
*38% out of Hogwarts
To Be or Not to Be is a Deathly Hallows compliant Harry Potter RPG that picks up right where the books left off (pre-epilogue). We are 75% player modded, so we review applications, make plot decisions, brainstorm, and generally run the game as a group.
Most Wanted
*8th year girls (any house)
*Ernie MacMillan
*Lee Jordan
*Roger Davies
*Blaise Zabini
*Penelope Clearwater
During the summer months, characters can help with the rebuilding of Hogwarts (weekly status updates) and generally get their lives back together. Come September, 7th and "8th" year students will return to Hogwarts but be housed off-grounds in Hogsmeade for maximum interaction potential. Several NEWTs options are available for 8th years.
Game Began May 2, 2010

Premise | Characters | Rules | Application | Wanted | Player-Modding

Mod Journal | Game Asylum | Watchers Asylum

[info]1988mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs



Available Characters
Taken Characters

Contact List
Friends Button

On 10 June 1978, the man known as Lord Voldemort conquered the Wizarding World and named himself Minister for Magic of England. The Order of the Phoenix went underground to continue the fight, but they knew it was over.

Ten years later, it is June 1988, and the world has changed. Wizards now bear tattoos on the back of their necks ranking them from I to VII based on blood purity. No Muggleborn is allowed at Hogwarts, marriage is strictly monitored, and anyone who gets in the Ministry's way receives a one-way ticket to the grave.

With each day that passes, life gets worse, and the witches and wizards with the courage to fight are regathering. In the past ten years, countless lives have been lost, and the time for action is now.


Amelia and Edgar Bones, Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Benjy Fenwick, Alice and Frank Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Emmeline Vance, Arthur, Charlie, and Molly Weasley, and others

Opened 4 June

[info]pointyhat in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]pointyhat is an Original AU Harry Potter game set in the “now” (2010 and onwards) in London, England. We do not follow the canon timeline, but rather assume that, instead of defeating Grindelwald, Dumbledore supported and assisted him. Without the defeat of the first dark wizard, the second attended his orphanage and then Hogwarts as a normal, but brilliant, boy, whose opinions on his fellow ‘tainted’ witches and wizards were supported and praised. However, contrary to what Grindelwald had told Dumbledore was “for the greater good”, what resulted as a world where segregation, prejudice, and intolerance reigned supreme against those who had ‘polluted’ blood in their veins.

[info]mysticrealmmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Mystic Realm


Feel the Magic

Creature Info
Creature Powers
Places to go
Friending Button: FL
Contact Post
Drop Box

Alight upon a cloud. Chase your wildest dreams. Feel the wind caress your face as you dance along the beams of moonlight. Cherish those kind hearted fools who would give you those dreams. For those softies who would give you candies and wet dreams are few and I am many. Live those dreams, hold them close, because tonight, tonight, I will give you nightmares.

Try to justify the hunts, the killings and murders. I dare you. I will show you your greatest fear. I will give you the justice you pretend to know. I am your fear. Cry for help, I relish it. No one will hear you. No one will care. They will turn a blind eye just as those that came before you have done. Welcome to being hunted. Welcome to being the prey that one such as me settles on, for you are nothing compared to what can truly make my mouth water.

Welcome to Mystic Realm a safe haven for those who have been hunted.

Looking for Active players.

Adds within 36 hours of applying!