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Jan. 1st, 2011


Game Closed

Thank you for your interest in To Be or Not to Be.

This RPG closed December 31, 2010.

Dec. 9th, 2010


Justin says: ABOUT TIME YOU TWO!!!

Of course, let's not forget that only half the situation with Wayne is going the way he really wants it, so he's got no room to talk. But still..


Nov. 19th, 2010



“Yeah, I’m sure that book is loads interesting and everything Hermione, but I don’t think you would have had much competition for it. No one really goes out of their way to get a book besides you.” His tone was light to take away any sting his words might have inflicted. She knew he was just messing around with her, or at least he hoped she did after all this time. The more he thought about it… suppose a bloke could never be too sure when dealing with a girl (a girl like Hermione no less), better to cover his bases. “Which is something I love about you, that uh you know-- you go out of your way for books.”
Cheers for our new Ron. I loved this part because it is so incredibly Ron-like to me and Hermione's reaction is wonderful too. Read more here.

Nov. 12th, 2010


Cheering from the sidelines

This is just a quick bravo post.

I, as the resident Brit, want to congratulate Pansy and Draco's players on their characterisation of that particular brand of upper class aristocracy-equivalent (which I've always taken that group of purebloods as). You've really managed to capture the wizarding world's tricky balance between modernity and something Victorian/Edwardian with so many manners and the need for chaperones and public discretion.

Every time I read certain things it just makes me gleefully happy. Now I'm imagining wizards having a London 'season'. This amuses me, despite the impracticalities with school and the small numbers of people who would be eligible to go.

Anyway. Yay!

Nov. 2nd, 2010


Wayne is super smooth with the ladies.

Oct. 16th, 2010


Mmm, Crunchy!

For a brief moment, Justin wondered what it would feel like to nip at Wayne’s jaw if he didn’t shave.. would it crunch?


Oh, and Ginny sez there is far too much emphasis on hair care in this thread considering they're boys. Especially since Malfoy isn't present to preen.


Sep. 11th, 2010




(Yes, he's had a girlfriend for two months and now thinks he's an expert on relationships. We'll not tell him how delusional he is. Pansy will take care of that for him.)

Sep. 6th, 2010


Schedule giggles

Draco is totally amused that except for Mondays, he doesn't have a single class before ten, and that on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, he doesn't have to get up before noon.

However, he's extra irritated that this comparative cultures thing has ruined his shot at a three-day weekend every week. He suspects McG of doing that on purpose.

Aug. 7th, 2010


Capitalist horticulture

Percy and Wayne's impromptu job interview gave me a giggle fit. I always love Wayne's internal dialog and the way Percy can't quite place Wayne and responds to his remarks using his own internal filters is brilliant. Well done!

Aug. 3rd, 2010


POBRE JUSTIN. Wanting to tell Wayne something Very Important About Sex and not getting to 'cause of silly rubbish girls. I WANT TO HUG JUSTIN.

Draco doesn't. But I do. ;)

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