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May 22nd, 2010

[info]ex_phenomena396 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

"We've got a new phenomena guys and doll -- the Proulx drug. What started off as just one more government funded chemical experiment has turned into a whole new movement. Forget heroine. Forget LCD. We've got a brand new dream world for you, and a literal one at that.

The company might have shut down and the government might have banned the drug, but it's still hitting the streets illegally. Now we've got dealers (known as Sandmen) getting richer by the day, addicts (known as Dreamers) living alternate lives in a "hallucinatory" Dream World called Morpheus, and government agents (known as Nightmares) trying desperately to put a stop to it.

Come see how deep the RABBIT HOLE goes...

[info]weboflies_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Wanted Characters: Boys, Hufflepuffs, Quidditch Team Members, Non-Slytherin Prefects...and more!

wide image )

[info]stakemods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]stakesandfangs ; a buffy/vampire diaries crossover

[info]stakemods ! [info]stakesandfangs ! [info]thegrill

Welcome to Mystic Falls, otherwise known as The Hellmouth.

In every generation, there is a chosen one. One girl in all the world with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires - and the vampires have come back to our little town. Wrapped in a dark secret born of blood, pain, lust, and desire, Mystic Falls attracts all sorts of demonic entities. For over a hundred years, the hellmouth has been dormant. With the arrival of a young girl, the Slayer, and a pair of vampire brothers, everything has changed.

STAKES & FANGS is a crossover RPG based on the first season of The Vampire Diaries and the first three seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

LOOKING FOR: Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Rupert Giles, Jonathan Levinson, Spike, Stefan Salvatore, Jeremy Gilbert, Matt Donovan, and Tyler Lockwood.

[info]progeny_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A Next Generation Marvel RPG

In the early 1990's humans became aware of the presence of mutants and super powered being among them. In 1998 mutant registration passed and in 2000 the multiple assassination of Senator Kelly and Bolivar Trask lead to the call for the arrest of nearly every known hero and mutant alive. Magneto opened up a home for all those on the run on the African Island of Genosha. For the next twelve years mutants lived in a peaceful society led by Magneto in isolation.

Then in December of 2012, the humans had a big surprise. The Skrull had been living among them for years, working their way into the infrastructure of every major government. Now they were taking Earth for their own.

General Nick Fury called for help of the former heroes in Exile on Genosha and in June 2015, the Skrull were defeated at last. A year later Kate Rasputin opened the Academy of Tomorrow on the site of the former Xavier Institute and now, in 2020, the first class is entering Summer Session of their senior year. The children of famous heroes are educated there with their own kind, finding structure, acceptance, and control of their abilities. SHIELD has been passed down to General Elijah Bradly (Patriot) and Hank McCoy (Beast) has become Speaker of the House.