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January 22nd, 2010

[info]x_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

X-2012, a simplified X-Game.

The world was reborn
It was just over a year ago that a solar flare activated the X-gene and created mutants. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr opened the Xavier Haven for these newly gifted individuals, but found themselves facing more challenges than they anticipated. A mutant riot pushed Senator Kelly's Mutant Registration Bill through Congress, Project Sentinel has launched, and the rogue mutant Sabretooth is attacking his own kind. The X-Men and Acolytes are both recruiting, what will you do in this new world? Join us and help build the future!

Wanted: Anole, Banshee, Boom Boom, Chamber, Deadpool, Iceman, Jubilee, Lady Deathstrike, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunspot, more X-Men, Acolytes and OCs

[info]x_mod | [info]x_2012 | [info]ooc_2012
Premise | Rules | FAQ | Teams & Cast | Timeline
Holds & Taken | Wanted | Apply | Drop Box | Site Map

[info]numbering in [info]fantasy_rpgs

numeri ( au marauder era rpg )


If you’ve been living under a rock, allow The Prophet to clarify the fact that the world as you know it is at war. Since the beginning of the year 1979 your coworkers are no longer to be trusted; neither are your neighbors, your friends, nor even your grandmum sitting with that beady look in her eyes over her knitting. There is a call to arms and a race to fill every seat within the jostling Ministry of Magic, some desperate struggle for power on the edge of a gleaming city that exists only in the minds of the disillusioned. As the clock ticks away the minutes of an unraveling time, more are dying, magical and muggle alike. Take heed, youthful pioneers of a world burning to the ashen ground! Set forth and lament the losing’s, reap the ruptured, or comfort the condemned.

Your character will be given a number, one that might be drawn at random in order to facilitate plot within the game. Each week this will determine whether they are kidnapped, given a Ministry position, contract memory loss, or are senselessly tortured for information they may or may not have. The list goes on. Chance however, is the only mistress in which you can find unwavering loyalty.

This is an AU Marauder era game set in a war zone. The Order of the Phoenix and Death Eaters are struggling for power within the Ministry of Magic. It is a race against time with the pendulum swaying precariously between two very different futures. Trust no one but yourself.

[info]numbering [info]numeri [info]numeros

[info]ex_transfigu859 in [info]fantasy_rpgs



a Harry Potter time displacement game.
opens with 25 characters

Wanted Characters:
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Sirius Black
Amycus Carrow
Fleur Delacour
Lily Evans
Hermione Granger
Daphne Greengrass
Luna Lovegood
Lucius Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Peter Pettigrew
Harry Potter

LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF and ask some important questions: If you had the opportunity to learn the answers to those what-if’s, would you want to know? Would you try to do it differently the second time? And if the second chance turned out to be less than what you expected it to be, would you be able to handle it? By the year 2025, the Wizarding World had seen two great wars and watched Lord Voldemort fall twice. While most of the world was thriving, the Ministry was aware of several areas that had been evacuated during war and lay in the British countryside like ghost towns. On an afternoon that should have been like any other in one of these abandoned villages there was a loud and sudden CRACK that typically signaled apparation, someone arrived. Two someones actually-- both of whom weren’t supposed to be there at all. As people arrive from times that span over three decades and are forced to settle in far from the homes and times they know, an unsettling feeling spreads through the Wizarding community. Is this a time of second chances? Or does something wicked this way come? Welcome to Transfigured, a Harry Potter time displacement game. We hope you enjoy your stay, all we ask is that you ask yourself: are you ready?

note: available time traveling characters span from Marauder Era to Trio Era (1970s-2000) with special placement for select non-time traveling next-gen characters

[info]desertedhouse in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Enter This Deserted House
But please walk softly as you do.
Frogs dwell here and crickets too.

Ain't no ceiling, only blue.
Jays dwell here and sunbeams too.

Floors are flowers - take a few
Ferns grow here and daisies too.

Swoosh, whoosh - too-whit, too-woo
Bats dwell here and hoot owls too.

Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hoo-hoooo,
Gnomes dwell here and goblins too.

And my child, I thought you knew
I dwell here...and so do you

[info]lastmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs



Full Premise
Taken Cast
Drop Box

The year is 2005, and seven years since that night have passed. Order members that were captured have all been sentenced to Azkaban sentences for life, others were able to escape and go on the run; those, who were unable to do either, lay six feet under the earth under a marker proclaiming them dead.

Students have been sorted into two categories, those that are pure or were half and are lucky enough to have a stronger pure linage and those who are muggle born or are unfortunately half with a stronger muggle born linage. Those who were favored as pure were allowed back to finish their education and given higher statuses once they left in society. Those that were not were registered, tagged and have no status and some unfortunates are even slaves to the pure or imprisoned themselves.

The world has become a dark and dangerous place, where those who were once your friend have now become your greatest enemy.

A cry has slowly surfaced from the outside of society for justice and for freedom from the pureblood society. And slowly, the Wizard Underground has begun to answer them. In secret the Order is building up, they are gathering supporters even among former followers of Voldemort who have fallen from favor. Their goal is simple, retake the wizarding world before it’s destroyed forever.

With Harry Potter presumed dead and trust a dangerous word to utter, there is only one hope. The W.U. Will they succeed or will they like so many others perish under the weight of Voldemort’s reign.

Wanted Cast
Marcus Flint, Ron Weasley, Anthony Goldstein, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, The MacDougal Brothers, Fleur Weasley, Wizard Underground Members, Death Eaters, And More!

Game Begins Friday Feb. 29th 2010!

[info]cyclical_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

CYCLICAL RPG is a next-gen Harry Potter game that aims to entertain. We're a game looking for dynamic, well-written characters who are both fun to interact with and exciting to watch. We're looking for all walks of life, from the skittishly shy Hufflepuff to the brilliant Head Girl. Here at CYCLICAL, we're not boasting a complex plot or a Triwizard Tournament- the interactions your character finds ought to be and will be plot enough, if you stick around to find out!

FYI: We don't have a set age limit, nor do we have a ratings limit. We find that maturity shows itself regardless of age, and intelligent players are capable of setting their own limits. All sexualities, prejudices, and walks of life are more than welcome (as they would be found in real life as well), so long as they can be backed up in the application. Our main criteria, above all, is the quality of the application submitted.

WANTED: 7th year Slytherins, Fred Weasley, Lorcan Scamander


[info]buruwang_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A Magical School in Australia.

About BuruwangCharacter ListParent ListFAQ'sRulesApplicationTaken PBs
Kaplin HouseSampeer HouseRoxbury HouseHaka HouseBlackwell House

Opening Once we accept 10 applications.

[info]advertisemyrp in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome

Salem Academy

Welcome to Salem Academy, America's premier school for witches and wizards. The past term has had its ups and down. Between dances, quodpot, and a unique curriculum, students have their hands full. They have plenty to focus on in within the safety of school walls.

But maybe those walls aren't so safe. How else could someone have managed to sneak onto campus and severely wound the headmaster? Who is this group claiming to want to reveal witches and wizards to the world? Why are none of the wizarding papers covering the news, only the muggle ones? Just how much more safety will be breached, and what lengths will people go to keep this quiet? Or worse, to make themselves be heard?