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September 1st, 2009

[info]justforeverme in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Eidolon City



Eidolon City

Game Info
Game Guide
Character Directory
Wanted Characters
Ready Made

Eidolon City is an original character game set in the noir world of a 1940s US City. A world of crooked cops and mob rule, reluctant heroes and femme fatales. To the residents of Eidolon City the daily drama that surrounds them is just part and parcel of their lives.

But there is more to the City than what it seems. Because what the residents of Eidolon City do not realise is that the City, in fact the whole world they live in, is not real. Eidolon City is an illusion, and they - or at least some of them - are dreaming. Maybe the dreamers are the lucky ones. Not everyone in Eidolon City is merely dreaming. - some of them are the invention of that dream. Some of the residents of Eidolon City are fantasies given breath. They are the manifestations of myths, of stories, of ideals, even if they don't know it. None in Eidolon City know the dream for what it is - and they also don't know that one day the illusion may fracture and the dreamers may start to wake up - and some of them may disappear forever.


Eidolon City is a new game that started this summer! We're looking for a wide range of characters to help fill the city. We're a friendly, free-form game with an emphasis on character interaction and relationships, though the game will also run regular, over-arcing plots to keep things interesting!

We are an original character game and we encourage in game connections with other characters. We have a list of character suggestions and wanted characters here.

Also, to help people who may find the application process daunting or may be unsure about creating an original character from scratch, some of our players have created 'skeleton characters' - these are unplayed, original characters created especially for the game and for other people to play. You can view the list of skeleton characters here, along with the short form application to go with these.

[info]pw_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

There's a reason they call it "The Hub of the Universe."

For all its history, culture, and highlights, Boston is a bit of a dud. Though it's a major metropolitan area it almost seems a little too Old World, a little too traditional. It's boring, and that's the way they like it. It's called sleight of hand, distracting you with the right hand so you'll never know what the left is doing. Since their arrival in 1775, the supernatural beings that call Boston home have been carefully diverting attention away from themselves, but not everyone appreciates peace. A new school year is starting at the prestigious Boston Conservatory for Supernatural Inquiry, and the Church of Clear Sight is gearing up for the Hunt that coincides yearly with the influx of supernatural beings into the city.

When the creatures of dreams are reality, what do you believe in?

Game opens September 4!
Premise // Rules // FAQ
Current Characters // Holds // Wanted Characters
Races // Application // Contact
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

[info]fated_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Drop Box/FAQ ~ Premises ~ Rules ~ Application ~ Wanted/Hold Characters ~ Taken Characters

[info]fated_times is calling for all Heroes, Villains, and the in-between in the Heroes fandom.

Come join us in the year 2014, where a hunt for power went wrong and opened a rip in time, bringing in people from the past and future to over populate the world.

What will happen?

Anything can with President Sylar Nathan Petrelli in control.

We dare you to see how your character will prevail?

OC and AU children from Heroes lineup are also welcome.

[info]darkmark_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Hogwarts is undergoing some changes. Attacks keep happening, so the school is temporarily sealed off from the outside world. But what would you do if the attacks were coming from within?

WANTED. Miss Zabini, Amycus Carrow, Dolores Umbridge, Mafalda Hopkirk, Florean Fortescue, Otto Bagman, Mundungus Fletcher, Dirk Cresswell, Horace Slughorn, Fenrir Greyback, OCs, Girls, and many more!


[info]avatards in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Avatar Nation, an OC Avatar Game

Avatar Aang not only brought balance and order to the world when he stopped the Phoenix King, but he and his former rival, Fire Lord Zuko, took great strides toward ensuring that the mistakes of past generations would never again occur. Zuko made the Fire Nation Capital City of Awatan Sathit the center of the world, encouraging large numbers of people from the three nations to settle within its walls. One hundred and fifty years have passed since Avatar Aang's epic battle with the Phoenix King, and all seems right with the world to most. The Order of the White Lotus has begun to notice stirrings in the world. Tensions between the three nations over the possession of the former Air Nomad territories are beginning to mount, a new style of bending is emerging, and the Avatar has not yet finished her training.

Are one hundred and fifty years of peace about to end? )


WantedApplyDrop BoxSite Map

[info]trenomod in [info]fantasy_rpgs



Welcome to your new home. Set in crime-ridden Dark City Treno, dominated by alcohol, drugs and weapons, this place is constantly immersed in a perpetual state of darkness. Clouds loom overhead, occasionally it rains, hardly ever do the citizens see light. Same goes with the nature of the business which goes on behind doors. What may seem like a friendly floral shop masks a drug ring, and what you may think is just a quaint pub you're walking into could be the locale meeting spot for weapons dealers. Thugs, thieves, drug lords, and criminals of the underworld tend to be attracted to the dark environment the city offers. Along with despair there is hope. A few individuals fight against the masses, trying to bring good and order back into the city. Though with the dreary forecast constantly imposing on the innocent civilians, the fight is predicted to be endless and futile.

Will you fight against the overwhelming corruption threatening to take over this already desolate city or join among its ranks?

[info]sic_infit_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It's 1999 and Wizarding Britain is a very different place. Voldemort controls a puppet Ministry and is seeking to expand his grasp into Europe and, eventually, the world. But he is not unopposed. There are many resistance groups working to keep him from accomplishing his goal and, among these, there is one that stands out from the crowd: The Order of the Phoenix.

Secreting Muggleborns out of the country to keep them from enduring the horrors of Ministry-run "work camps", the Order is fighting a losing battle. Their last hope lies with a carefully guarded secret: The identity and location of The Prophesied One.

Sic Infit explores the possibilities of what could have happened had James and Lily Potter stuck with Sirius as their Secret Keeper. What could have happened if Harry had never become The Boy Who Lived? What if Lord Voldemort had actually won?

[info]darkestmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game

::The Game::
Premise | Characters | Taken/Held | Locations | Family Positions | Rules | FAQs | Application

::Members Only::
Contact List | Friend All

In Character | Out of Character | Storylines | Mod Journal

Opening soon!

[info]mortvi in [info]fantasy_rpgs

In the year 2000, the story of how the UK was taken over is one passed down from person to person in the shadows, carried by a whisper and a hollow gasp. No one can understand how finally, the noble Harry Potter could have won, and then lost so quickly. A room full of people got to see the last of Voldemort, and no longer are scared to utter his name, even if most do so quietly. Now there is a word much more horrifying.

The Mortvi are a ruthless lot, Death Eaters renaming themselves after the fall of Voldemort. They used to be his closest of slaves, rather then minions. Many scorned and angry they disappeared into the darkness after their master's fall. Nobody knows how they could return and sweep the Ministry building in one night, and foil the Order in another. Not even the Order can figure out how it happened. There is no Prophecy to hold them back, and only a new world order of terror to set them forward. Who's going to stop them? They have once again emerged as if walking out of the Fountain of Youth, almost super human. Having at least ten years sucked from their once sagging faces they have achieved the feat of unbelievable ability. There is not much hope, but much surprise.

The United Kingdom is in peril. The Lestranges are the Ministers for Magic, each of them, without The Dark Lord to hold them back on their escapades, the British island and its people are pawns to their tests of society. They have even fooled the new generation of wizards into doing their bidding as they once did the bidding of the Dark Lord. Umbra Populus, the young brigade to the Mortvi. They stroll about free as birds even though they are captors like everyone else. But soon even they won't be so...'free.'


| available characters | full premise | taken/banned pbs | organizations | faq | rules | application | transportation & communication. | cast list | wanted characters | timeline

[info]monsieurtrevast in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Vampires, humans, and angels, oh, my. I want some lines, folks! Come play? Please-uh?

[info]dixitmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

ILLE DIXIT! we know drama.
a next-generation harry potter game.

premisefaq and rulescharacterspremadesapplication

Game opens September 12!

[info]lioncourtprince in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Come to my bed. Come play on Night Island. Come, children, come. Join my kindred. Join my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Join my winged friends. Come.

Premise|Rules|Application|Rooming|Taken/wanted PBs|Characters|Wanted Storylines|Mod Contact

[info]burdening in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Don’t tell me all the LOTR geeks have disappeared. That’s just lame. [info]cheshiremods, a game based in an asylum where your character really ISN’T who they think they are, has a Legolas and Frodo in play. Aragorn and Gimli are currently on hold, but we’d absolutely love to fill out the Fellowship! It’ll be like the Breakfast Club only in a mental institution with people who think they’re from a mythical world where a war is starting over a ring. Doesn’t that sound like a blast? Come all ye elves, hobbits, wizards and men!