June 2024

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June 9th, 2009

[info]toujours_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


For centuries, the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black have ruled the Wizarding World. The crown has passed from father to son, and never has the line been broken.

But the Black line has been dwindling for years, and after the heir to the throne, Sirius, was disowned in 1997, it was up to his younger brother Regulus to take the reins. Only problem is, secretly Regulus never wanted to be King, and he certainly never wanted the arranged marriage and the constant scrutiny that came along with it. With political turmoil in the air as the line of succession plots against the heir, it is only a matter of time before backstabbing, deceit, and murder take their place within the royal court.

To make things worse, when Sirius left the royal family, he formed the Blackcoats, a group of witches and wizards whose goal it is to see the monarchy demolished. They will do whatever it takes to tear down the royal family and the nobles who follow them.

In a country on the brink of anarchy and open rebellion, both sides must fight to preserve what they believe in, no matter the cost.

Rules | Premise | Characters | PBs | Application
F.A.Q. | The Blacks | Contact List | Friends Button


Orion Black, Walburga Black, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Morag Macdougal, Rodolphus Lestrange, Frank Longbottom, Neville Longbottom, Peter Pettigrew, Harry Potter, James Potter, Lily Potter, Ted Tonks, Charlie Weasley, Ron Weasley

[info]dpmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Deceptive Perception

The land known as Inora consists of a set of islands that cradle more than just mortals in its loving embrace. They were said to have been created by vampires long ago. This gave them a place to live among the mortals who fed them while painting the earth red with blood. Eventually, other races were thrown into the fray and a century of war was fought for supremacy.

Centuries passed between rulers and the times of war seemed to almost be forgotten. The treaty between the demons and vampires has always been upheld. The werewolves have always protected the treaty and, eventually, winds of change blew through the lands. Times evolved and an industrial revolution took hold. All was well with the lands.

But even something as simple as your perception can be deceptive and nothing is ever perfect...

The latest in a long line of demonic kings has died and the vampires have come back into the throne. Even with this change, death and violence still run rampant through Inora's streets and it seems the Gunslingers are unable to stop it.

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution..?

Game being restarted after 5 applications!

Site Map

[info]dpmod | [info]deceptpercep | [info]dp_ooc | [info]dp_past | [info]dp_apps
Premise | Rules | Characters | Wanted/Needed | Holds & Applications
Character Creation | Taken PBs | Lands & Cities | Site Map


[info]aedelwulf in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Hyde Park Corner - A Victorian Supernatural RPG

Hyde Park Corner - A Victorian Supernatural RPG

Home | Character Types | Wanted Characters | Rules | Application | Contact Us

Hyde Park Corner Opens Officially Sunday 14th June 2009

[info]sic_infit_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Sic Infit - Harry Potter AU RPG

It's 1999 and Wizarding Britain is a very different place. Voldemort controls a puppet Ministry and is seeking to expand his grasp into Europe and, eventually, the world. But he is not unopposed. There are many resistance groups working to keep him from accomplishing his goal and, among these, there is one that stands out from the crowd: The Order of the Phoenix.

Secreting Muggleborns out of the country to keep them from enduring the horrors of Ministry-run "work camps", the Order is fighting a losing battle. Their last hope lies with a carefully guarded secret: The identity and location of The Prophesied One.

Sic Infit explores the possibilities of what could have happened had James and Lily Potter stuck with Sirius as their Secret Keeper. What could have happened if Harry had never become The Boy Who Lived? What if Lord Voldemort had actually won?

[info]thetimeleapmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Cast List||Held||Rules|| Application|| FAQ

It is the year 2009 and something strange is happening at the X-Mansion; Dr. Hank McCoy has detected a tear in the space time continuum. Suddenly a portal opens and a ship comes through landing in the X-hangar with a loud bang, and then the portal closes as quickly as it had opened. The ship was damaged very badly, but thankfully all of the crew survived. This is how the crew of the USS Enterprise found themselves in this primitive world, with no way of knowing how to get home.

Spock had discovered that someone from his time was planning to come back to this primitive world and assassinate a man by the name of Logan. Logan was destined to survive many more years thanks to his healing abilities and he would become a great general with the federation. He was destined to save many lives, and if he was to be murdered now it would tip the odds. So Captain Kirk led his crew in what seemed to be a suicide mission back in time to save this one man.

Now they were all trapped here, because the time warp equipment that Spock had built was damaged and the materials that they needed to fix it had not been discovered yet. Their only hope was to wait for the assassination attempt on Logan's life and make sure their mission was not in vain. Who would this villain be? Would anyone from Earth be willing to aid them in their attempt? Can Logan be saved or are the odds not in his favor?

Two days after the Enterprise landed Gotham City was attacked by a ship with superior technology. Was this our villain or is there more than one evil plot at work here? Bruce Wayne gathered the team he had in Gotham and went to face the ship, but unfortunately they came back defeated only to find Wayne Manor destroyed and Alfred Pennyworth murdered.

When the time comes everyone must choose a side. The battle begins, who will you stand with?

[info]doublemods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It's now 2003 and after five years of healing the Wizarding World is ready to get on with their lives. The Wizengamot has reached the verdict on their last Death Eater trial. And just when everyone begins to breathe again, a family of Muggle-Borns with a brand new baby were brutally murdered. And above their homes the Dark Mark is glowing just as brightly as it had five years ago. The Order and the Ministry are both on the hunt for the Lestranges, the only missing Death Eaters. But the rest of the world is starting to wonder if it's all just smoke and mirrors. Is Voldemort really back from the dead? After all... he's done it before.

[info]riddikulus_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

post-hogwarts trio-era

The year is 2000. After seven tumultuous years, everything is calm. Harry Potter has defeated the Dark Lord, and things are finally as they were always meant to be.

Hypothetically. Nearly two years after the war, and witches and wizards everywhere are still having trouble putting their lives back together. Missing friends, dead family, strained relationships, and social inadequacies are causing mixed feelings everywhere. What should have been a perfect time is now, to put it best, awkward. There are so many people who don't quite know what to do with themselves now that the world isn't in grave peril.

Lucky for them, there are still a few people out there looking to change that.

Riddikulus is a game focused on character development and interaction. We offer writing prompts, a driven plot, a quill-bearing Rita, and fun players. We hope to see you soon!

WANTED: Bill & Charlie Weasley, Viktor Krum, Verity White, Fleur Weasley, the Montgomery twins, Seamus Finnigan, Eddie Carmichael, Michael Corner, Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Kevin Whitby, Marcus Flint, Terence Higgs, Zacharias Smith, Oliver Wood, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Luna Lovegood, the Carrows, Death Eaters, Blood Purists, and TONS more!
Characters | Cast | Apply | Rules | Wanted



[info]mycaptain in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Huria RPG




Huria OOC
Huria RPG

Huria is an original game set in the verse of Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity. There are no crossover characters or story threads, but the verse is the same.

There are only EIGHT available character slots left, with THREE currently on hold. You have the opportunity to become a crew member or passenger aboard The Huria. Come and explore space just as the crew of the Serenity did before you.

Game will begin when we have a 2IC

[info]forsaken_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

In the ancient days, the gods relied on Seers to prophesize their next move, and foresee any dangers that faced the supernatural deities. These Seers would band together and hold rituals to See what lay ahead for all beings; man, god, and other alike. Nearly 12,000 years ago, the Seers saw something that frightened the gods so much that they took drastic measure. They held a counsel and decided that, to save themselves, they would do the unthinkable. Combining their powers, the sent all supernatural beings to the continent of Atlantis. To keep balance in the world, the gods did not destroy the island. Instead, they sent it to another realm, where they would be safe from what the Seers had predicted - the downfall of the gods by the extraordinary... by the supernatural.

For thousands and thousands of years, the supernatural (as well as the unfortunate humans) have lived on the continent and have reached a point of peace and prosperity. The Seers, however, who were banished with the beings (out of fear, naturally) have been seeing things which could change the shape of their world forever. Darkness is coming... who will stand and fight?

Background || Races || Rules || Locations of Interest || Map || Holds/ Taken PBs || Taken Characters || Bestiary || Application || Tags

[info]sevenyears in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]sevenyears a next generation game!
Welcome to your seventh year at Hogwarts! A seventh year filled with mystery, wonder and new and fantastic beasts. Where you spend your time working frantically towards getting the best N.E.W.T marks you can, or working towards that one last Quidditch trophy before it's off into the real world. A real world filled with the daily trivial events, bills, friends, laundry, cooking and cleaning the dishes. All of which are important for a young Wizard to know.

Which is why ten years ago Headmaster Dohotty implemented a new class that would be held for the seventh year class during the second half of summer vacation. The first few years the class was an option for all students but it wasn't until 2024 that the class finally became a requirement for all seventh year students. All students will end their post-sixth year summer break early to return to school to take the class. Most of you won't be happy, but it's another month and a half spent with your best friends at school, with minimal teachers there, and no under classmen to watch over you.

Hopefully you won't be getting into too much trouble?
Seven Years is a next generation game set in 2024. The game is focused towards the seventh year students only and their final year at Hogwarts.

WANTED: The Head Girl and Head Boy, Hufflepuffs, meaner characters, muggleborns!


[info]mods_peripeteia in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Peripeteia: An Adult Greek Gods RP

An Adult Greek Mythology Roleplay set in Present Day.
With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.


Click here for more information!

[info]ex_augury40 in [info]fantasy_rpgs


The connection with magic has long been since a "new" concept. There was once a time when the world accepted magic, and the people who wielded it's power, embracing them completely. These unique individuals could raise the dead, create thunderstorms, even predict the future. But, as time went on and new concepts arose, what was once allowed and accepted ways of living life were now pressed to change. The way the old ways were viewed became twisted, turning what had been a part of life into unspeakable evil in the eyes of the world. Those who could aid with magic's power became the victims of various styles of execution and torture, before being sentenced to damnation. In the late 1400s, the fanatical attitude of the church took a turn for the worst.

These acts were enough to shatter the willingness of those few families hiding in the hostile lands. To stay out of harm, they packed their things and left. Their destination? Across the Atlantic ocean. With teleporting help from the Conjurer family, they managed to settle down and live in peace for the better part of two hundred years. They were well liked by the local natives, bringing them what technological advances that Europe as well as the aid that their magical powers could bring, also enhancing the magical gifts the natives harnessed themselves. Among these primitive people, they were viewed as deities.

It wasn't until the landing of the settlers that we have all been so familiarized to in our school text books, that the new ways and the old clashed again. The families were forced to blend back into society, resorting to hiding in plain sight. But in 1692, the Salem witch hunts began. A Puritan was unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse of a member of the Necromancer family, standing in the cemetery, well after the imposed curfew. All he could describe was the shape of a 'black man in the forest'. Thus, the trials began, after the simple minded zealots believed that the 'black man' had been the devil himself. The negative attitude drove a young female member of the Divination family to wish misfortune on the misguided families of Parris and Williams. Elizabeth and Abigail began having fits, yelling and screaming about things unseen. The result of this simple act of vengeance brought about the deaths of so many more. It was then that strict rules were placed upon the families. The elders of the magical families however, to prevent more confrontation, decided to move the families far west to a place called California, before the gold rush. Back to a place of peace and serenity, it would then be an additional hundred or so years before others came upon them, making running an option no longer. It was time to conform, to blend in with the ever spreading population of 'regular' people. Some of the families took to their own separate ways, moving off to different parts of the country, forming their own rules within their families, ignoring the code which had existed for more than half a good part of a thousand years.

You should read the rest!

bottom line

If you're looking for a fun, exciting new game with endless potential, Augury is the game for you. We guarantee plenty of plotting between muns for a positive gaming experience to keep you occupied and meet all of your writing needs. Currently, almost all of the family heads are open, so snag them while you can! To join, simply hold your desired family here. As it is an original game, we realize that you may have a lot of questions, but we promise that the mods are friendly and ready to help you in any way we can, be it questions about the premise or coming up with a family history.

game begins with all heads taken, with three additional characters.



taken pbs
player stuff

game history

mod journal
main comm
ooc comm


graphics [info]augury
ad layout [info]rp_tutorials/[info]augury

[info]narrowsmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Harry Potter Post-Warts game.





Character Directory

It was always meant to end this way. Lord Voldemort or Harry Potter, one would have to destroy the other. In the year 1998 Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, fulfilled his destiny and destroyed Lord Voldemort. The battle was fierce and the losses were great but in the end, the reign of Lord Voldemort was finally over. The battle was over and it was time to move on. Hogwarts was rebuilt, the class of 1998 spent the summer catching up on the classes that they had missed while beginning training in their future jobs. The new Minister of Magic, a half-blood wizard, put strict laws in effect to allow for the capture of Death Eaters and their supporters.

Things were quiet, things were peaceful. The Golden Age, some were beginning to call it. Free from persecution, wizards of impure blood were taking places of honor and respect . The trio finally begain to relax and it seemed as if things were finally well. Little did they know that there was darkness brewing once more. Rodolphus Lestrange, driven mad from grief, had taken on a protégé. An intelligent and ambitious former Ravenclaw Aiden Chambers.

A Call for Freedom

This was the title of the opinion piece that Aiden submitted to the Prophet. The passionate article spoke of the shift in the muggle world, that it was no longer quite so taboo to be a so -called witch. It served it purpose, raising all the appropriate eyebrows. Could it be done? Could they reveal themselves to the muggle world without mass hysteria?

Aiden was brought in as one of the Minister’s top advisors as the Ministry tentatively began to creep towards revealing themselves . Once again the wizarding world was divided, the people who supported the change and the people who thought it was dangerous.

Order members began to come forward in support of it, not realizing that while they were supporting it, former Death Eaters were sending out feelers, gathering a new and more terrifying army.