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March 20th, 2009

[info]landing_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


[info]landing_rpg | [info]landing_ooc
the game has been RE-VAMPED!
| Characters | Parent List | PB's | Rules | Application |
| FAQ | Wanted | Quidditch | Prefects |
all new characters and families added!

a social future era harry potter game


a social, friendly playing environment!

WANTED! MORE BOYS! Gryffindor 5th years, Ann-Marie Towler, Grace Alderton, Tanner Higgs, Dean Smith, Dallas MacMillan, Allison Thomas Tyler Boot, ALBUS POTTER, Caleb Bletchley, Elizabeth Hannover, Jenna Towler, Nicole Whitby, Kendra Urquhart, Anastasia Whitby, Corbin Jordan, Abigail Belby, Peyton Pucey, Sara Davies, Sienna Hopkins, Kairi Towler, AND MORE!

[info]mods_unforgiven in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Characters | Application | Full Plot | In-Game Laws | Rules | Resources
Friends Add | Contact List


Harry Potter is gone. Those who followed him are imprisoned, enslaved to trusted servants of the new regime, or dead. This is the dawn of a new age, where the Pure have reclaimed their world and the filth of the magical community are put in their place. Defy it at your own peril. This is a dark Harry Potter game.

Note: Unforgiven is an Alternate Universe game and is not Deathly Hallows canon. Events are accurate up to the end of Half Blood Prince, but from there our story diverges. Some events are kept (hunting for Horcruxes, for example) but most are not.

Wanted: We’ve got a great cast of characters and a good variety. At this time, currently cast Eastern Europeans are asking for even more of their brethren. Viktor Krum and Krum, Sr. would fit right on in. Of course, more Weasleys as we are still looking for Percy and Charlie. Though Percy should be warned, the side of good isn’t happy with you right now. But the Dark Lord thinks you’re aces. We are also looking for more Bound characters, that in-between status of not quite a slave, but you sure aren’t free either. Any variety of richness you could bring to the world would be welcome.

We are a phenomenally active game and encourage players to be pro-active and interactive in both their in-game plotting and their character development.

[info]persecute in [info]fantasy_rpgs



Evolved humans. The next step on the infinite journey that is the evolutionary step ladder. People with extraordinary capabilities living right among us. They are special, they are unique. They are different... they are dangerous. And the government - with its expansive tools and its limitless scope - has trained its eye on them. The threat has been identified and now the clean up is underway.

The Most Dangerous Game is an RPG that will follow along the course of the current season of Heroes; specifically during the course of Volume Four: Fugitives. While canon characters will be in play and will be referenced, extensive knowledge of the show itself is not necessary. Any information you need about the universe will be provided for you.


Alex Woolsly, Ando Masahashi, Claire Bennet, Emile Danko, Eric Doyle, Hiro Nakamura, Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Nathan Petrelli, Rachel Mills, Samson Gray, Sandra Bennet


[info]between_keeper in [info]fantasy_rpgs


The Premise | The Rules | The Application | The Wanted

Forks, Washington, USA. August 2006.

The army of newborns led by the spurned vampire Victoria has been defeated by the Cullen's coven and their comrades in arms, the La Push pack of Shape-shifters. The Volturi Guard arriving just in time to overview the mess and instill a heavy burden on the Cullen's that they would be would be back to visit if the Leaders didn't hear word of Bella Swan's transformation, from the mortal to the immortal. The clock has been set and the count down has begun.

However there are whispers through the south that something much bigger is going on. The newborns of Seattle were nothing compared to what's been rumored to be happening this time. Talk of a group of immortal children being created and of Maria, the woman who managed to escape the Volturi's punishment for her participation in the Vampire Wars of the South. She's been quietly biding her time in Mexico, slowly gathering up an army of her own, one that rivals and surpasses the Guard. She's found herself at the head of a cult like following of Vampires that have each been scorned by the Volturi Royalty themselves. Joined by the Romanian's who have long since been awaiting the moment for Volterra to be overthrown, this group of Vampire's are looking for a fight.

The Volturi itself faces complications of their own, and what will happen when their loyalty to each other is tested? What will become of the men that have kept order amongst the Vampire world for over a thousand years? Who will they turn to to keep their numbers strong and present a united front?

[info]time_between is a post Eclipse, complaint game, focusing on writing an alternate ending to the events that happened after the third novel in Stephanie Meyer's saga Twilight.

Opening April 1st.

Currently casting: Vegetarians (including some Cullens!), Vampires, Shape-Shifters and Humans!

A stable core of players have dedicated themselves to making this an active, exciting game with a lot of plot for all characters, and not just certain groups of species.

[info]quarantine_ops in [info]fantasy_rpgs



rules | application | the mods
characters | wanted characters | hold a character
frequently asked questions for the concerned american citizen


You wake up to the smell of smoke.

In the year 2008, a virus swept North America. Ever vigilant for a pandemic, citizens boarded up their windows, stockpiled their canned goods, and turned their neighbors in to the CDC. Short wave radios fell off the shelves, evacuation routes were prepared. Gas masks and specialty filtration systems were distributed. Pills were available for those showing early symptoms. Pills that did not work. That were later replaced with cyanide as their active ingredient. For those who were brave enough to put their fingers near a loved one's mouth. The United States, Canada, Mexico, the virus swept down into South America and festered in the heat of the jungle. In some places it burned out. Superstition ruled and saved lives. But nothing stopped the virus.

You wake up to the crackle of dead airwaves.

Three months after the first diagnosed case of Currere Excessum was recorded, NATO approved Great Britain's use of nuclear force against the United States. It was assumed that all organic material would be reduced to ash under the impact. It was assumed that the Quarantine of the Americas would be temporary, at best. Any who survived the blast would be given the highest in humanitarian attention and medical care. The only American emissaries who knew of the plan lay incinerated in Washington. The Quarantine continued. The Americas lay abandoned. Empty.

(read more....)

- Brand-new game!
- Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
- We have a list of wanted characters made for your convenience.
- There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
- NC-17 friendly, which also means the game is for players eighteen years of age or over. No exceptions.
- Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Come one, come all!

[info]nextx in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]nextx @ [info]nextxplayground

game guidelines!
game history.
pop culture.
taken pbs.

game details!
ic community.
ooc community.
x magazine.
pairings list.
character list/holds
cast page.
player information.

With tolerance for mutants, and response time of police officials to city issues cut in half, the X-Men and other super humans became obsolete. By this time, a safe haven was something of an old civil rights tale, and the Xavier mansion as we know it was transformed into a full fledged museum. The Manor, previously used to house and train mutants, now is one of the top twenty must see places in the upper east coast. The X-Men slipped out of the limelight, in order to attempt normal lives and making families. Some settled down in the city of New York, being offered housing for virtually free from the president, for their protection and serving to the United States for decades. Some took other locations, with their primary goal to separate their past life with their new one.

The X-Men are something of old Hollywood celebrities, 25 years later. Their children, receiving somewhat of the same treatment critics in Gossip magazines give, much like the stars to today's Gossip Girls, or even casts of famous movies. Some have embraced this born into instant stardom thing, others have found themselves commodities for obsessed X-Men fans, to something that their parents were involved in years and years prior. The Xavier dream is for the most part, very much accomplished, and the general population of mutants live in peace. The invention of a maximum security prison outside of the city, keeps those whom oppose this ideal pursuit for happiness. Many super villains reside in this prison, known to the public as Crossmore. Those who don't mind the merge, live and cope as well. Villainous activity merely being a figment in their past as well.

Mutants are a fact in every day life, now accompanying over 78% of the population. They are no longer feared, and instead accepted as a normality. (read the rest of our premise for the full details!)
wanted harley collins, rochelle darkholme, nadia shaara, sahar al-bin'rad, riley guthrie, camilla richter, sorin maximoff, monique thomas, keilani foley, athan petros, otis gitter, fallon centino, odette rankin, tristen bishop, weston drake, saul wisdom, caleb madrox, sayuri yoshida, marcus coy manh, yohann rosshire... we also have some OCs - heather abernathy, zacharis dresden, quinn wilde, brice hollfoer, to name a few, that we want taken as well!! and many more to claim!

other information Game set 25 years in the future (from 2005) -- 2030. Unique, different premise. The only thing we have done, is set realistic pairings (which really, had to be done), and offer first names. Aren't you tired of seeing games where Emma has 5 kids with three different baby daddies!? Everything is up to what you feel! Their first names can be negotiable, yet everything else (their personality, history, etc.) is all up for you to decide! Have fun with this! Haven't you at one time wondered how their children would have been? We offer Original Characters (no x-men-related parents) as well. 76 available character combinations. Already an AMAZING CAST, AWESOME PLAYERS, HELLA ACTIVE, FRIENDLIER THAN.... FRIENDLY!


[info]happilyinc in [info]fantasy_rpgs

the premise - the rules - character list - application - faq

[info]pimpmyrp in [info]fantasy_rpgs


They’ve hidden in the shadows; living among others. Your doctor, your neighbor, your teacher, or maybe even your cousin might be one of them. It’s within them at birth, living and lurking inside of them until something triggers it to be noticed by the body. The age of the trigger varies upon the person. It is not genetic, it is not fate, but it is merely random. A random newborn will be randomly holding a power. People with powers; abilities have been living with us for generations going unnoticed. Telekinesis, telepathy, precognition, super strength, everything that we thought only lie in comic books and TV are actually real; they’re very real.

In 2002, a man by the name of Michael Williams exposed his powers; thus to the rest of mankind. He was an ordinary man, lived in the suburbs with his family and children. It wasn’t until he was thirty two years old his power triggered during work. The ability he had obtained was Telekinesis, and it became out of control. Because he didn’t know how to control his power, it went haywire and killed many in his office, including himself.

The word spread quickly, and in no time did it reach the government. At first their intention was the hunt them all down and put them in private facilities, but then it was later discussed that they would go forward the situation in a peaceful matter. Gathering many scientists and people who could control their ability well, they set up schools for all ages to attend if they obtain a power, it is not an option. The school gives out classes twice a week teaching people how to control their power. Once their professors feel that they have full control of their power, they will be free to stop attending classes.

Everything is fixed, right? Not really. Talk is spreading that the government is reconsidering the idea of gathering all people with abilities up and lock them up. Unfortunately many of the ‘normals’ agree to the idea. The idea is being discussed, but the probability of it is high. It’s causing anxiety and chaos within the ones with abilities, but there’s not much they could do but only wait and see what happens.

Intentions; An Original Character Roleplaying Game. Opens when we have ten six males and six females.

|x| profile code |x| layout code |x|

[info]cityofsinmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to the City of Sin ( original supernatural game )

[info]thecityofsin, [info]thecityofooc, [info]thecitylines via [info]cityofsinmod

the premise » the rules » the races » the groups » las vegas info » the businesses » the taken & held pbs && the character caps » wanted characters » characters » application » cast && friend adders