May 2009



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May. 19th, 2009


Plot: Watch Betrayal Craziness

In case no one is watching the chapter two plot thread anymore. I am going to post the tentative time line for Watch Betrayal Craziness. I really don't mean to be insane about this, but I want it to work. If it's overkill, please tell me to shove off. Featuring really lame summaries...

Feb 4: All Watch Meeting to debrief Black Velvet
Feb 5: Dante and Ben, they discuss what has become of Greg and other stuff?
Feb 6: Greg wakes up as a vampire, still has fight in him

What comes next (hopefully in this order):
1. Dante/Grigore contact re: moving Greg to a new location
2. Grigore/Greg: a few days of Greg at rock bottom followed by mind-fuckery on the 10th/11th in which Greg will break (and betray)
3. Ben gets to lead the "rescue" mission shortly after step two

Of course other things may need to happen, but I think those are the three big moments to have this play out. There might be other factors involved, but let's do this because I think it will be legendary.

PS. I am totally going to snag up some of the open threads soon because that's what I do, but I do always try and wait a reasonable amount of time in case anyone else wants it because I know I'm a thread stealer.

Apr. 19th, 2009


plot round up: jessica, chapter 2

Why yes I am stealing the idea from Steph and Elle :) I think Steph had an awesome idea for not only using this comm but also for keeping things clear and straight as well since there is a LOT going on.

Chapter 1 had him involved with investigating the deaths of the two kids and planning to 'intercept' the Elari party

In progress -
**Thread - Watcher meeting
**Thread - Amelia (working out/training etc)
**Thread - Dante (meeting, talking, information gathering, etc)

Wanted/Planned -
**Thread - Abigail (post slaughter, increased chaos)
**Narrative - immediately following the slaughter

Totally up for anything else with anyone, and open to any and all ideas..


Apr. 9th, 2009


plot round up: elle, chapter 2

Why yes, I am totally stealing this idea from Steph because sometimes it's a lot easier than waiting to catch people over messenger! These are just ideas and really are just a starting off point!

Amelia: mentions Ben, Charlotte, Ivan, Ethan )

Brendan: mentions Michael, Lilith, anyone else! )

Jane/Eden/Grace: mentions Dante, everyone... )

Greg: mentions no one in play yet! )


PLOT ROUND UP: Steph, chapter 2

Hey! So, I was going to do a to-do list in my CDJ but realised it would be much better here so I thought I'd make a use for the [info]thecitylines comm. Every chapter I'm going to put up a post for my characters which will have a list of possible threads. As it goes on I'll update and such. There will likely be an overview for each one for what happened in the last chapter. This'd be easier on me and possibly everyone else as we all know my timezone sucks so this way I can be like "Thread y/y?" without AIM.

Lilith (Characters mentioned specially : Michael and Dante) )

Thane (Characters mentioned specially : Dante, Jane, Helen ) )

Evie (Characters mentioned specially : none really, any one want a thread let me know! ) )

Abigail (Characters mentioned specially : Ben, Helen ) )

Brett (Characters mentioned specially : Ben, Helen, Greg (sort of), Charlotte.) )

That is everyone though I'm pretty sure I've missed something off I wanted to do. I'm up for any other threads/logs people may want to do though. :D

Feb. 21st, 2009


Please welcome Jessica with Ben Stone and Tori with Tara Michaelson! Friend Add!

Feb. 20th, 2009


Hi. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post here since I'm not technically a member or anything, but...I figured I'd post anyway. I hope that's okay. Anyway, I'm interested in joining the game (obviously. ha) and there are a couple wanted characters I'd be interested in picking up, but before I contact the mods and all that I figured I'd see if anyone had a burning desire to have something filled? I generally prefer to pick up a female first (and if I like the game a lot follow it up with a male), so that's my preference, but if someone wants a male role filled I don't mind. I don't know if it matters but I will write femme/het but I'm not so good with slash. This journal has a list of PBs I lean toward but I'm willing to talk it over if you have something specific in mind. So, really, I have nothing but myself to offer (haha) but if anyone wants something filled before I start writing, by all means lets discuss.