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Nov. 6th, 2009



Hello everyone. I just wanted to write this note to say that I will be leaving The Landing. It's sad for me, because I do love my characters, and so many of yo are lovely. However, I just haven't been able to engage the way I would have liked, and I definitely tried to. I just think I need a game that is faster paced. Please do IM me anytime you want to. I'm wishing you all the best. You can keep up with me on my CJD at [info]lespommesau.


Oct. 21st, 2009


Hi everyone, I'm Jamie and bringing you a brand new character: Evelyn Belby, who you can just call Evie, my 5th year Ravenclaw. She's not exactly the most fun girl around, in fact her most noticeable characteristic is that people don't tend to even notice her at all. She's really quiet and unassuming, so half the time people forget she's around them, or have no idea who she is. When they do notice her, ever so briefly, people tend to think she's rude (because she gets incredibly awkward feeling and doesn't talk much) even when she's not meaning to be at all. She's good at listening to those who are her friends, and aside from the fact that she's clingy and easily made jealous, she's a good friend. Well, she does also tend to think she's right about things and talks down to others, but it's not a constant occurrence. SO, she's going to need maybe one or two friends if anyone has characters that might work, and a bunch of people who won't have the slightest idea who she is!

my e-mail is if you ever need to get in contact with me and I'm not on AIM (truebornstark). :D

Oct. 2nd, 2009



Hello everyone. I would just like to apologize for not being active for the past days. Aside from my laptop problems, I've also been encountering a few family issues, one concerning my grandma's critical health and the other the aftermath of a recent storm that passed through my country. (For those of you who didn't know, I live in the Philippines) It was pretty bad. And it's just been reported that another storm will visit us tomorrow, a level 5 super typhoon.

I would like to say sorry and ask for your understanding for my absence in the next days, this hiatus being one that I find quite necessary. Please pray for the people who lost their homes and loved ones in the flood, and for the coming storm to spare us here. Thanks guys. You all take care, yeah?

~ Feli

Sep. 27th, 2009



Just to be blunt as possible, anyone bored with their characters and want to do something? I'm really not caring how crazy it is. Zoe needs to be opened up to new things. Dominique is bored. And... well Liam can't hide in the Ravenclaw dormitory forever. :)

I haven't seen many people on AIM lately, as I've been sketchy on it, so I thought I would try here.



hi everyone, this is lola who plays amanda weasley. i admit that i am terribly guilty of falling into the real life trap since i got back to school and have horribly been neglecting you all in favour of women, drink, and academia (and knitting while i watch heroes D:). i'm so sorry! but now that i am all settled into my dorm and have gotten in the swing of things, can someone dearly do me the honours of catching me up?

also if anyone wants to plot please im me at windcamedown on im or email me at!

Sep. 22nd, 2009



You weren't online for me to show you this so:


Sep. 20th, 2009


Hi! Just wanted to let everyone know I've already taken my laptop to the service center, and I think it'll take a while before they'll be able to fix it. I will def. be scarce even though I'll be able to get on my parents' computer in the next days. I might be on when none of you are anymore lol (thank you ridiculous time zones XD) But I'll try my best to keep up!

Anyway, just lettingyou guys know what's up. I will accept any consequences should my absence give anyone any problems. Again, I'm so sorry!

Thank you guys!

~ Feli

Sep. 13th, 2009



Hi guys. My laptop broke this morning, so I may be scare in the next days. I am going take it to a service center tomorrow to have it checked, and hopefully, get it fixed. I will keep you guys updated, of course.

I'm sorry for the tags I owe some of you. I think can borrow my mum's computer from time to time, but I don't know how often that will be. Should it take too long, I will understand if I will be removed from the game. Again, I apologize for this, and I will definitely miss playing with you brilliant people!


Aug. 26th, 2009


Hi, it's Sara again!

This is Nina Hannover, 5th year something or other. She's muggleborn and a complete tomboy. She hates anything remotely girly and thinks it's useless. She loves fighting, cussing, being sarcastic, making fun of people she thinks is lame, and sports (although she doesn't like Quidditch).

She could use friends (mostly male) and girls that would annoy her.

Aug. 22nd, 2009


Hey everyone. There's no easy way to say this, again, but after a lot of thinking and with everything going on in my life right now I've decided to taking a hiatus from role-playing. Which means that I have to say goodbye to all the six games that I'm in. I thought by narrowing it down to a few would help but yeah..

I'm really sorry to be leaving again especially since the mods were so great to let me come back. I'll still be around online and my personal journal so I won't completely disappear. Again, I'm sorry I have to leave you guys.


Aug. 18th, 2009


Tyler is a pirate!

Hi everyone, this is Sara again with another boy! Shock!

This is Tyler Boot, youngest child of Terry and Eleanor Branstone Boot. He's a 6th Ravenclaw, and a complete nerd. He loves reading and wants to be a writer someday, probably fantasy or historical fiction. He's extremely sweet and nice to everyone, but he's also extremely shy and finds it hard to talk to new people. He tends to stutter or ramble at them. Even over journals he has problems. He'd love to date, but he's kinda afraid of girls as well.

He needs everything! Hit me up!

Aug. 13th, 2009


Annnndd I'm back from China again!

Wow. I feel like I've missed so much. Anyone who could fill me in, perhaps?



Hallo there, people of the Landing Universe. 'Tis I, Felicisima, with a new character. Yes, this is my eighth.

Her name is Nicole Whitby. She's in her 6th year in Hufflepuff and plays seeker for her House Team. She's a caffeine-powered workaholic with zero organizations skills. She gets good grades and does well in quidditch.

Being raised by only her dad since her mom dies giving birth to her, she's grown to be a tough cookie. She is athletic, and a bit of a tomboy, too. She's loyal to her friends like a true huffie, is fiercely protective of them and would punch someone in the face when she thinks someone deserves it. She used to be one of the boys, well, she sort of still is, but she's definitely crossed over from wrestling with boys to actually dating them.

She's a vegan, hates dresses and skirts and can juggle?

I fail at intros. We all know this. Anyway. I'm particularly looking for an ex of hers, gal pals who she could run to for girly things and since I've always thought she gets along more with guys, her boys, too. I'm felicisimaa @ AIM for plottage!



I must be addict, because this is my second character this week. His name is William Graves, or Liam to those who are close to them. His dad is Merton Graves the cellist from the Weird Sisters. His parents live a rather unconventional life, and are big philanthropists and activists.

He can be a bit quiet, but is typically a nice guy, although he doesn't immediately get close to everyone he meets. He's inherited his father's musical abilities, and is a complete astronomy nerd.

He's definitely looking for friends and plot. :)

Aug. 9th, 2009



Hey everyone. This is Anne, and I'm introducing my third character Tanner Higgs. He's a 6th year, Slytherin, and a pureblood. He is of the pureblood persuasion that thinks he is a notch above the rest simply by being pureblood, but he is intrigued by talented or well-connected individuals that aren't pureblood. He tries to make them balance, but it doesn't always work, not even in his own head. He's a very rational person, and tries to have an analytical reason for everything he does. If annoyed he can be quite cynical and at times abrassive, so watch for that, haha. Also, he's a Chaser, and his dad owns the Nimbus broom line. He's not really the heartbreaker type as he's very choosy about girls.

So, any plotting or planning of any sort is welcome. Friends? Enemies? Exes? Current interests? Distant relatives? Really... anything is good.

Feel free to IM me at lespommesau or email me at

Aug. 5th, 2009


Ok guys, Lily has a new Pb. As much as I love Katie B., I'm hoping Karen G. will have lots more faces. And come on, Karen is going to be on Doctor Who, which is cool.

Aug. 3rd, 2009


I would like to point out that Lily Potter is now single.

Be very afraid! Especially Porter.

Jul. 30th, 2009


Just wanted to make a small announcement that I have a new personal journal!
So feel free to go over to [info]pedant and add meh!


Jul. 27th, 2009



I've yet to thread either Dominique or Zoe in anything, but group threads. I'm itching for some fun for my girls? Any takers?



So! I'm basically back! I have like 2-3 days I have to return to work this week, but today and part of tomorrow I should have internet and I'll be back for sure on Saturday afternoon!

Ummm there are new people, or you got new characters, tell me! I will intro mine to you! And I don't bite!

Also tell me if anything happened that effects my kidlets!

(Sadie, Lily, Athena, Blake, Nisha,)

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