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December 17th, 2007

[info]the_nannie in [info]fantasy_rpgs

RPG for Homeless Characters

Created a character but don't have a place for it to get activity?
Send it to Character Daycare!

Imagine a world where pirates, faeries, Jedi, and wizards live together. Character Daycare is that place where the real world and fantasy collide. Whether this mixture is harmonious or volatile is up to you.

Anything goes at the Daycare...
But remember to play nice.

Rules|FAQ|Application|Character List|Wanted Characters

Now accepting applications!

Contact the Mod for more details!

[info]paramods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]parabolical, a multi-fandom RPG set in the "Buffy"/"Angel" universe.



"Well, personally? I kinda want to slay the dragon. Let's go to work."

And get to work the remaining members of Angel Investigations did. Four heroes against a city run rampant with monsters of all shapes and sizes. When it was all said and done, the dragon was slayed. The others followed suit or fled for their lives. Gunn perished but Angel, Spike, and Illyria survived. The Senior Partners at fell silent and the battle for control of Los Angeles was declared over at long last.

Nearly six months have passed since that fateful day. The city has begun to rebuild and people have returned to their daily lives. Spike and Illyria have both gone their separate ways with Angel opting to remain behind to offer protection to those in need. After all, while the battle may have been won, he knows the war is far from over.

He's right, of course. Already plans are in motion to destroy the peace that has befallen the City of Angels. The Senior Partners are back, with a vengeance, and a plan they are certain with succeed. The Powers That Be have decided the time has come to mount a viable defense. Heroes and villains alike are arriving day and night. Some come with an understanding of what is to be expected. Some do not. And some are neither hero nor villain, but simply innocent pawns in a game where the rules are deadly and the winner, truly, can take it all. Now, only one question remains:

On which side of the battle lines do you fall?

[info]mehay_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Premise::Rules::Taken/Held/Wanted::Application::Cast::Player Info/Friends Button (f-locked)

In a world home to not only humans, the decendants of the Dasi tribesmen flourish. They come in many shapes and sizes, both feathered and scaled. The Avians have built their tall towers, ruled over by the hawk family of Shardae. With a love for stories and song, they go about their lives with a reserve they are famous for. The Serpiente, worshipers of the goddess Ahnhamirak, tantalize viewers with their passionate dance. Their rulers, the Cobriana, are known for their fairness, and swift justice. For thousands of years, they have lived seperatley. For thousands of years, they have lived at war.

That has all changed. Irene Cobriana, sister of Arami Zane Cobriana, traveled to Hawk's Keep to propose peace. After the marrige of Tuuli Thea Danica Shardae, and Zane, Diente of the serpiente, they believed that the last arrow had fallen. More trials followed, however, as assasin's tried to begin the war anew. The peace that finally came was shakey at best, both sides waiting for the other to fail. They continued to live in their seperate homes, only the bravest of merchants and scholars daring to travel between the two courts.

Still, they waited for the day that hte quiet would snap. That day came with the arrival of Syfka, a falcon. Although the original members of the serpiente and avian clans were all long dead, the ruling falcons were those who had been given forms by Leben himself. Avian and serpiente knew that, if the island of Ahnmik declared war, there would be no victory. That was not the case, however. Syfka came only to find a runaway, a falcon who had kept himself disguised for years. She found not one, but two. After much debate and heartache, Kel and Anderios were bound to their avian forms, to remain at with the divided races. It was during this time that Danica Shardae discovered that she was with child.

From that child sprang a new hope. Wyvern's Court was built on the dreams of lasting peace. Avians and Serpients both came to build new homes, and a new future. Oliza Shardae-Cobriana was named Heir to the Tuuli Thea, and Arami. She would be the first to rule both races. Nicias Silvermead, son of Kel and Rei, was named Wyvern of Honor, and acted as a guard for Oliza. He was forced away, though, when his falcon magic, thought bound by the spells on his parents, suddenly came to life. He left for the island of Ahnmik, where he was embraced as a prince. Upon his return, he brought with him a threat to the court: quemak'la'Hai, daughter of Anjay Cobriana, and technical heir to the throne. She wasn't much of a threat, however, crippled and burned by magic. It was only through a small miracle that she was lucid at all.

That is where we stand. Wyvern's Court is a place of tedious peace and trapped tension. Is it only a matter of time before one side breaks? Or will Wyvern's Court become the falcon's worst nightmare, and thrive?

[[This is an RPG based on the Keisha'ra series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. If this interests you, please apply! Game is set to open once more character applications have been submitted]]

[info]disjecta_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Disjecta Membra | Out of Character | Mod Account | Fluff_n_Smut
Premise | Rules | F.A.Q. | Characters | Play Bys | Application

Voldemort is dead, and the war is over. Or so everyone assumed. But with the Death Eaters scattered, unorganized and unchecked, a new reign of terror begins. Wizards are being monitored and censored by the same Ministry that they are forced to look to for protection. Former Death Eaters are killing not only for sport, but for revenge. The Werewolves, made even more deadly after getting their hands on Wolfsbane Potion, are growing in numbers. Once again, the Order will be called into duty to protect themselves and the Wizarding world. New members will be recruited, and even the non-affiliated will be hard pressed to remain uninvolved in this turbulent time.

Disjecta Membra is a Post War game, set after Deathly Hallows. It is canon in most ways, but many of the most ruthless Death Eaters have escaped death or capture. Some of our favorite characters lost in the last few days of the war are alive as well. It will be dark, violent and hopefully, a lot of fun. Come by and check us out!

Game will be starting very soon, and we have loads of popular characters still available!

[info]wao_johnson in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Running since July 7th, 2007, Wands and Order is an incredibly active RP, centering mostly around the Ministry and the Magical world's criminal dealings. Think elements of the West Wing and Law and Order mixed with the absolute insanity of the Wizarding government. Currently we're looking for characters of all shapes and sizes, though we absolutely desire Remus Lupin, Lee Jordan, Fred Weasley, Alicia Spinnet, ALL Weasley Family Members, and any other characters with ties to the Ministry!

If you've any questions, the Mods can be reached at AIM: Wandsandorder, or at Email: Email is likely your best bet.