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December 16th, 2007

[info]ex_algernon85 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

premise | characters & pbs | rules | application| list of powers|

Its been months now since President McCannials was elected. Since then, life for mutants has been growing more and more difficult. Left and right, mutants are losing their jobs. Left and right, mutants are being found dead. Left and right, mutants are losing their rights, their families, their homes, their lives.

A mutant hospital has been opened, known as "the New York Establishment of Mutantology", a testing facility for Mutantologists (that is, Mutant scientists) for better understanding of abilities. Every day mutants are being taken into the hospital for testing, and some of them aren't making it out.

A drug has been created, for testing on the mutants. It is believed that the drug will put an end to the abilities these mutants hold. But not all mutants are being stopped. Some are dying from the side effects (however covered up by the Government), some are getting new abilities. The effects of this drug are widely unknown.

On November 15, 2020 - a flyer was sent out to every family in America, listing all the laws mutants were expected to follow. If these rules were not followed correctly, the mutant will be punished by hospitalization, or death.

What do you think? Will you stand back and let this happen, or will you stand up and fight for Mutant freedom? The decision is yours

"If you can't understand something then its best to be afraid"