Nov. 15th, 2008


kinkfest fic: "Liaison", FFXII/FMA (Drace/Hawkeye)

Title: Liaison
Author/Artist: [info]badpenny
Rating: Not worksafe
Warnings: Just the rating
[info]kinkfest Prompt: Crossover: Final Fantasy XII/Fullmetal Alchemist - Drace/Hawkeye - corporate ratracing - godspeed and may your plane crash into the fucking Atlantic
Word count: 660
Summary: Hawkeye and Drace and tipsy bathroom frottage.
A/N: Sorry this is late. I've been offline the past few days. Also sorry the corporate ratracing isn't more front and center. I kind of got distracted picturing Drace and Hawkeye together. ^_^;;

Liaison )