Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Monday, October 1st, 2007

    Time Event
    #36 Smell, Rachel/Alec (Dark Angel)
    Title: Sometimes they come Back
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Rachel Berrisford and Alec McDowell
    Prompt: 036 Smell
    Word Count: 1174
    Rating: Pg-13
    Summary: Alec finds Rachel for a second time. But can their live withstand the boundaries before them?
    Author's Notes: This is part of a series I'm now writing, and this is the first installment. I don't own the characters, simply giving what should have never been taken away from him. The characters are the creation of James Cameron and Charles Eglee. Comments are love.

    fake cut to comm.
    #35 Sixth Sense; Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy
    Title: In surrender, is truth
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Characters: Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape
    Prompt: #35 Sixth Sense
    Word Count: ~990
    Rating: R
    Summary: Lucius subjects Severus to pleasure...
    Author's Notes: No people, either real or fictional, were hurt in the writing of this story.
    Warning: sensory deprivation, bondage, sensation play.

    In surrender, is truth
    #28; King Arthur: Tristan, Group
    Title: Earthworms
    Fandom: King Arthur
    Characters: Tristan, Bors and his herd (two other knights mentioned)
    Prompt: #28 Children
    Word Count: 1658
    Rating/Warning: Very PG, no warnings unless slimy things squick you out
    Summary: Just a bit of fun with Tristan, Bors and his herd
    Author's Notes: I don't own anyone you may recognize save my own original character.


    Current Mood: meh
    Current Music: nothing, head hurts
    Dark Angel: Alec/Rachel - 090 Home
    Title: Start of something new
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Rachel Berrisford and Alec Mcdowell (mention of Max)
    Prompt: 90 - Home
    Word Count: 569
    Rating: pg-13
    Summary: Rachel calls, and Alec goes to her house, what will the future bring again?
    Author's Notes: This is part of a series I'm now writing, and this is the first installment. I don't own the characters, simply giving what should have never been taken away from him. The characters are the creation of James Cameron and Charles Eglee.

    fake cut to journal
    Supernatural fanfic100 Prompt #1 - Beginning
    Title: Sam's Memories
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: PG
    Characters: Sam, Dean, mention of John
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em' I just play with 'em
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #001-beginnings. Sam thinks about his early memories.

    Sam's Memories )

    Current Mood: touched
    Supernatural fanfic100 prompt #089 - work
    Title: The Work of the Winchesters
    Author: myguys_sam_dean
    Rating: PG
    Characters: Sam, Dean, John
    Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just play with 'em
    Feedback: Absolutely!
    Summary: Written for fanfic100 prompt #089 - work. Dean reflects on how hunting has affected them.

    The Work of the Winchesters )

    Current Mood: tired

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