
September 12th, 2021




Fascinating... this is incredible...

Wait! How is this possible?



WHO Bucky Barnes & David Kostyk
WHAT Bucky goes to adopt another smart kid. He's got a type, okay.
WHEN Immediately after this
WHERE Atlantis

i'm only human, human. maybe i'm foolish, maybe i'm blind, thinkin' i can see through this and see what's behind. )



What's with the extra band on my arm?

[Sees extra monsters tangling with the underwater city, Atlantis]

This got fun

Now let's see here...

Hmmmmm.... Interesting...

Seconds later, you see the Saiyan going gold and holding a sharp looking ki blast in his hands. "Here dinner dinner."



I'm Dr. Connor Rhodes. I'm a trauma surgeon. I'm limited with my resources here but if anyone needs medical attention, let me know.

Are there anyone else here with medical experience?