The place where muses collide

User: [info]dasummers
Date: 2010-03-26 02:39
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: darius summers, fandom: x-men oc, subject: undertherainbow

Well, this is an interesting change.

What the hell am I doing?

Arg, stupid brain. She's going to be batshit crazy, and it'll be bad for us all in the long run.

And now I look like a fool. Which is normal, but not what I wanted at all. I'd have liked for my family to not know I'm an idiot for at least a little bit.

But. . .

I can't leave someone who needs help. If Emma will help, that's wonderful. If not, she's not the only psychologist among the castaways.

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User: [info]dasummers
Date: 2010-03-26 02:35
Subject: this was probably for an app at some point
Security: Public
Tags:character: darius summers, fandom: x-men oc, subject: undertherainbow

Darius is the middle son of three that were born to Emma and Scott Summers. I will be providing his UTR history, since that gives you a good idea of his personality, and honestly, it's long enough as it is.

Darius arrived in UTR three months into his tenure as an X-man. He met an alternate universe version of his mom and one of the cuckoos, as well as yet more alternate universe sisters, one the child of Emma and Logan, the other the very young daughter of Scott and Emma. He lived with them briefly, and established a friendship with benefits with a girl named Naamah.

Knowing that doing good was important to him, Darius joined the Peace Corp, and was soon shipped out to Samoa. During the process Sinister managed to get his hands on Darius, and took blood samples. During his time in the Peace Corp, Darius met a girl named Ophelia, who he knew needed a friend. Since he also needed a friend, he visited her regularly. He would have probably remained a simple friend to Ophelia, had his workplace in Samoa not been bombed. Though he shot the man who had done it in the leg, ensuring his apprehension, Darius blamed himself for the death of his coworkers. It was no question in his mind that the man, who turned out to be one of Sinister's marauders, was only involved because of him.

However, he couldn't carry the guilt forever, and he slowly built up a relationship with Ophelia. Things went well, aside from the standard issue craziness for quite some time. Sinister was found and destroyed, and for the first time Darius let himself relax, enjoying his place in this new world, and growing fond of his sisters, though he never quite managed to fully divorce the Emma he lived with from the Emma that had borne and raised him.

When the Purifiers attacked, the difference became clear. Darius sacrificed himself to keep Domino safe, and was captured. During his time with the Purifiers he was tortured, and then tattooed with a cross, before being tossed in a cell with mutants. He once again put himself in harms way, this time for Remy LeBeau, which resulted in his powers activating, teleporting him to the middle of nowhere in Arkansas. This was no less dangerous for the boy, who was still bound hand and foot, but he managed to free himself and hitch a ride, leaving a note on the message board asking for help.

Logan rescued him, and brought him back to the Frost household. But all was not right. Darius found himself leaving frequently to visit Ophelia and see his brother and best friend, needing to be around people who would let him work himself to death, and not talk about what had happened. This did not sit well with Sophie, the remaining cuckoo, who had gone out to rescue him and been captured, resulting in the death of her boyfriend. She saw Darius's wandering as a betrayal, and when things blew up, she demanded he leave the house and never return. This, accompanied by Emma's cold treatment of him when he did finally reach out to her for help, caused Darius to pack his bags and wander through Europe. A meeting with a female version of his uncle, and an adventure with Remy helped him to come to terms with both what had happened and himself, and he got an apartment in Vermont, which put him within the same time zone as his girlfriend.

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Lorna Dane loves rocks and math posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]compassrose
Date: 2010-03-26 02:16
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: lorna dane, fandom: x-men, subject: undertherainbow

So, I have a biological family. It's about what I expected, really. I guess knowing is better than not knowing, anyway. I probably shouldn't have been as much of a bitch as I was to Pietro, and, honestly, I find it unlikely that I'll be taking part in any kind of family bonding.

Also, Magneto has a lot of kids. It's kind of frightening. I wonder if this is all of them?

On the other side of things, Alex is a godsend. He's such a cool guy, and seems like he understands things. It's really nice.

I should call see if Pulse or Kimber want to hang out again.

Once I finish my biology homework. Pleh.

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Lorna Dane loves rocks and math posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]compassrose
Date: 2010-03-26 02:14
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: lorna dane, character: lorna summers, fandom: x-men, subject: undertherainbow

I just realized that I've only got one female friend. And she's technically my older sister.

I possibly fail at being female. Which is why I have no idea where a good hairdresser is in the area. Somehow I doubt that I could walk into Supercuts or whatever and make the woman who might or might not speak the same language as me and make her understand that my hair really is that color under the dye.

Arg. This is frustrating. At least I can play it off as natural if I can't get it taken out. After all, most of my siblings have black hair.

Which is a weird thought in and of itself. I'm still not used to having siblings. Even if it's nice having Anya around to talk to, and Eric is surprisingly cool, the feeling that they're other, and not actually my family persists. I guess my parents will always be the ones I grew up with, genetics aside.

And honestly, I think I'm thinking about all of this to keep my mind off the fact that in a couple months or so Alex and I are going to figure out where we're going and decide what our next step in the relationship is. One minute I'll be serene and calm, the next I'll be nothing but nerves.

Guess I'm still fairly neurotic. Oh well. Hopefully I'll grow out of it. Hope I grow into a woman that Alex can be proud to be married to.

I wish my parents were here, so I could introduce them to Alex.

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Lorna Dane loves rocks and math posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]compassrose
Date: 2010-03-26 02:11
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: lorna dane, character: lorna summers, fandom: x-men, subject: undertherainbow

Lorna arrived in UTR as a redhead with no super powers. She was dropped in NYU as a creative writing major. She barely had time to cope with that before her powers manifested, and her hair began growing out green. She destroyed the campus of New York University, and was rescued by Pulse, who she became intimate with, even developing a crush on him. There was an attack by Apocalypse that brought out Lorna's control of her powers, and in the aftermath she slept and became friends with Dean Winchester. Though she wouldn't share his bed again, she thoroughly trounced him at Guitar Hero on a regular basis.

She met Alex on accident, and from there they became close, living together, then building a house, then marrying all in a short span of time. It was fast, but also somewhat natural to Lorna, who was so used to being indecisive that any indication she'd made up her mind was pounced upon like a starving dog on a steak.

She built a relationship with her genetic father, to her surprise, and mourned him when he died to destroy Sinister. She grew close to her half-sister Anya, and even developed a relationship of sorts with Pietro and Wanda, though it would prove to be one of mutual annoyance more than anything else.

After Sinister's death his minions destroyed their home, which led to Lorna going into a frenzy to keep herself and her husband safe. They went to live with Cable and Domino, similarly displaced, in a militaristic compound made out of an old hotel. Life was good there, and Lorna let herself relax enough to switch her major and pursue geophysics, hoping to harness her powers to do some good.

As their life settled, Alex and Lorna discussed children. Lorna was afraid that a child of theirs would be too much to handle, and too good a target for madmen like Sinister. She also felt that she owed a great debt to her parents for taking her in, and so she suggested they adopt. They began looking for homes in America, where they both still held citizenship, when the compound was attacked by goblins, who stole Cable and Domino's children. Told to stay behind, Lorna and Alex decided they'd had enough and established a home in LA, where they began going through the adoption process. Recently, they learned that they would be unable to adopt, because of their inability to take the required time away from work and school to take care of a child.

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Lorna Dane loves rocks and math posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]compassrose
Date: 2010-03-26 02:10
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: lorna dane, fandom: x-men, subject: undertherainbow

Lorna went straight to her room, not so much as looking at anyone as she passed them. She could make it to her room if she focused, and that was all that mattered right then and there. Crying in the middle of a hallway was not an option.

She barely made it to her room before she burst into tears. They weren't silent, dignified tears, but noisy, messy weeping that made her entire body shake. She wanted to be Pulse's friend. She wanted to be safe in a world that wasn't constantly in peril. She wanted to be in control. Since none of this was happening, she did the only thing that would help. Which for her was apparently holing up in her room and not leaving again until she was needed.

Why did it have to hurt so much? She was so scared of everything that even just clearing the air and telling him that she liked him was too much, and now she'd hurt him because of that. Not to mention she was going to be on hand when shit went down, and wasn't even sure that it was a good idea to get scared while driving, and. . .

She took deep breaths, trying to straighten herself out. Getting twisted up over things wasn't going to help in the long run, and she knew it. The best she could do right now was try not to make the same mistakes again.

She dug the cell phone out of her pocket. It was clever, and must have cost him a fortune. And the stone as well, so beautiful and perfect. . .

She fought back the regret and pain, and carefully put the gifts in one of her desk drawers, covering them over enough to muffle the cell phone, and hide them from view if she ever opened it. Not that she thought he would call. Not after that.

That accomplished, Lorna stripped out of her shirt, looking down at the sexy underwear she'd worn, and laughed, bitterly. She removed those as well, shoving them into her laundry hamper. She wouldn't be needing those anytime soon. Guys were just too much trouble.

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User: [info]boyanachronism
Date: 2010-03-26 01:07
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: marius rogan, fandom: x-men oc, subject: undertherainbow

It's hard sometimes, to deal with these different times. I miss home, I miss my parents being the proper age.

Hell, I miss being years younger than the woman who broke my heart for the first time. Having her talk to me, and still be so young and fresh. . . it hurts all over again, especially since she's married and having a kid after what, three months, tops?

And I'm really lonely. As much as I'd rather not acknowledge her, Lulu is the only one who talks to me, outside of my family and patients.

I just. . . was so single-minded, I never even thought about how lonely I would be once I got to where I am. I figured it would all turn out alright in the end. As much as I love Angela, it's not the kind of love you spend your whole life waiting for.

I want to be caught, dammit. But I don't want just another girl who talks about wanting a relationship, only to leave me in the dust. At least the girls I slept with most recently didn't pretend to want commitment.

My love life is a sad, sad thing. Also, I want a fucking friend. A lot. This journal thing is bullshit.

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Bella Donna Boudreaux loves cooking and murder posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]poisonwine
Date: 2010-03-12 18:28
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: bella donna boudreaux, fandom: x-men, subject: undertherainbow



I gave up so much for them already! I worked so fucking hard! I even got fucking married for those bastards. And when they said 'well, too bad, we're gonna give your husband the boot before you can even get a good lay in' did I kill anybody? Noooo. I was a good little drone and did as I was told.

And now I apparently don't even maintain control of the Guild.

It's just. . .wow.

There isn't enough alcohol in the world for this.

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Lorna Dane loves rocks and math posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]compassrose
Date: 2009-05-12 09:18
Subject: (no subject)
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Tags:character: lorna summers, fandom: x-men, subject: undertherainbow

Arg. You know, he's right, but damned if I care. I get enough school and work when I'm at school and work.

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User: [info]dasummers
Date: 2009-02-04 09:22
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: darius summers, fandom: x-men oc, subject: undertherainbow

The world can bite my ass. I'm tired of dealing with it. Maybe after the vacation I'll feel more interested in seeing what the genderswapped people are doing.

Why does one have to look like me?

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my journal
April 2020