The place where muses collide

User: [info]dasummers
Date: 2010-03-26 02:32
Subject: another nightmare
Security: Public
Tags:character: darius summers, fandom: x-men oc, subject: escapemechanism

The laughter was something he'd gotten used to. He trudged throuhg the hall, not drawing attention to himself in any way. He wished he were smaller, invisible. The last thing he wanted was to endure a bout of teasing. It would take time he didn't have. His father's study was always a kind of haven, and he slid quietly into the room, expression dead serious.

"Dad, I have to talk to you."

Scott was on the phone, and nodded, jotting on a notepad. 'Just a minute. Important call.' Darius nodded and sat, fidgetting. He hated waiting, and this seemed like the longest time he'd ever had to wait. He knew better than to interrupt, though. Anything he had to say was much less important than whatever the person on the phone with Scott had to say. Beside, knowing Scott, he already knew something was going on.

Despite his conditioning, Darius fidgeted the whole time, which was ten minutes, but felt like twelve hours. Finally Scott hung up, and looked at his son expectantly. “Well?”

“The Purifiers are planning an attack on Madison Square Garden during Dazzler’s reunion concert.” He blurted it all out quickly, glad to no longer be waiting. Scott looked at him, as though he expected there to be more. Finally the older man sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“How did you get this information? I thought Christopher was our mole in their ranks. You’re assigned to Humans First, as I recall.” There was irritation in Scott’s voice, and Darius felt his heart sink like a stone.

“Sir, Chris gave me the information, since his telepathy doesn’t work on you or Mom.” Darius was the only one who was vulnerable to it.

Scott nodded. “Duly noted. Thank you Darius.” The man’s tone was dismissive. Darius nodded and stood meekly, leaving without further words. He crept through the hall, head hanging. He knew that Scott was busy, and that annoying distractions were pointless, but this felt important. It was a heavy blow to be reminded of how useless he was.

He passed Emma’s classroom on the way out of the institute, and this was the only time he sped up. He didn’t want her to see him. It always brought on a new barrage of criticism. He knew it was for the best, but it was so hard to listen, and when it came down to it, they both knew what Emma’s main complaint was: Darius just wasn’t special enough, and she had two worthwhile sons who deserved more of her attention.

She caught a glance of him out of the corner of her eye, and her lips pursed together. Stand up straight, for God’s sake. If you want people to take you seriously, act like you’ve got some pride.

Darius did as commanded, but his eyes remained glued to the floor. He skirted around the dorms, and went through the kitchen door, thankful no one else had stopped him. He slid into one of the cars in the garage and decided he needed a drink. If something happened and the X-men did have to fight, he wanted to be out of the way. Watching the people who should have been his peers doing things he had thought he’d be able to do for almost his whole life was bitter, even if he knew whining was unbecoming.

When he got to the coffee shop, he settled in with a book. It was a rather good one, and the hours passed peaceful and caffeinated. He even cheered up a little, and decided to go home before he got locked out. He smiled at the girl behind the counter, who rolled her eyes. Not bothered (he was used to it by now), he slid into his car and turned on the radio, to see what was going on.

The news was talking about an attack that had occurred during his coffee break. Dazzler was among the casualties, and the numbers were supposed to be around the hundreds. He swerved, and nearly hit someone, he was so surprised. How could that have happened? Surely the X-men should have taken care of that.

When he got home, the place was in disarray. Dr. McCoy greeted him at the door, and Darius could tell from his expression that it was bad. “Ah, Darius. Welcome home.” Henry launched into an explanation that Darius didn’t understand, and he felt lost. He nodded and smiled, and Henry stopped after a minute, sighing. “I forgot. You need to go to the Medical Bay immediately.”

That was easy enough for Darius to understand, and he bolted downstairs, slamming the door open. Chris was laying on a bed, pale. Scott was still missing, but Emma was at Chris’s side, crying. She turned when Darius entered, and then stood, furious. “You knew this was going to happen.”

Darius froze, confused. “I told Dad- This isn’t my fault.”

Emma shook her head, anger obvious in every motion. “How dare you blame this on Scott! You’re responsible for their deaths. Why didn’t you tell us what the Purifiers’ plan was? If we’d have known what was going on, we would have responded differently.”

Darius nodded, glumly. Emma made a noise that was a mixture between fury and grief. “Get out of here, Darius. I hope I never see or hear from you again.”

Darius nodded, leaving quietly. This was his fault. All his fault. How had he been so stupid?

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Lorna Dane loves rocks and math posting in The place where muses collide
User: [info]compassrose
Date: 2010-03-26 02:03
Subject: this is a crazy nightmare
Security: Public
Tags:character: lorna dane, fandom: x-men, subject: escapemechanism

Lorna was sitting at her computer, enjoying a nice, cleansing first person shooter. She enjoyed it a great deal, and was gladly ignoring the world for it. She heard Alex come in and paused the game, bouncing up. “Hey sexy!” She bounced over and kissed him, a bit surprised when he didn’t respond.

“Lorna, we’ve got to talk.” His voice was soft, a little mournful. She blinked and nodded, taking his hands. He looked into her eyes, and she canted her head. “The fighting’s started, and they need me to fight. I’m-“ He stopped, and swallowed.

Lorna stroked his face, kissing him softly. “Hey, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. You’re a fighter, and you’ll get through.” He pulled away, sighing.

“Don’t make this harder than it has to be, baby. We’re so outnumbered, out gunned, and outmaneuvered. Just- let it go.” He turned away from her, and Lorna stared, aghast.

She stared at his back as he went into the bedroom, and then followed, opening the door with her powers. He turned, angry. “Go away. I don’t want to see you anymore, Lorna. We’re all going to die, so we might as well be miserable until we do.”

She reached out to touch his shoulder, and he swatted her hand away. Lorna pursed her lips, and hovered to look him in the eyes. “You listen to me, Goddammit. We are a couple, we are married. That’s a permanent thing.” She grabbed his shoulders, staring straight into his eyes. “Don’t you dare cheat me out of that.”

He shook his head, and she felt the anger bubble up, and she slammed him into the wall, the nails in the studs pulling out, writhing as her powers curled around her in anger. “Lorna, please.” His voice was pleading, and Lorna threw him to the floor, disgusted.

“I thought I’d married a man, but it looks like I’ve got a dog instead.” She glared and left through the window. If there was a war coming, she was going to put an end to it right then and there. She flew through the sky, aurora following behind her. She found the fight, which had barely started. Despite the advancement of the weapons, each of them was made of metal. She used her powers to bend and warp them, causing chaos on both sides, not caring who she hurt, or even if she killed anyone. She wanted the fighting to stop, and would stop at nothing to make sure it happened.

She warped everything around her, until the order of the world was completely undone. The power rode through her, instead of being controlled by her, and she laughed in glee at the wonderful, heady rush of power, the feeling of being a strong force of destruction. She laughed at the chaos under her, until the power ran out, leaving her flushed and glowing, as though she had just had the most incredible orgasm of her life.

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User: [info]ex_luckbeala72
Date: 2010-03-26 01:01
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:character: domino, fandom: x-men, subject: escapemechanism

The shock of the last shot was still running through her arm when she opened her eyes. The hazy smoke from the burnt gunpowder obscured her vision for a moment, and Domino felt sick. She set the shotgun down, bolting over to the large lump of flesh that had once been a person in front of her. She didn't know what had happened, but she knew it was bad. His face looked like a nightmare, bone and brain visible through large gaping holes, and some parts f his face left untouched. One perfect eye stared blankly to the left, no longer shining. It was like a large glass marble set in a bloody fixture.

And that was the body she could bear to look at. She'd seen two smaller lumps at his feet, but for now this was horror enough. She felt numb, horrified. What had happened? Had she been the one to do this? The shot sure as hell looked like it came from a shotgun, but she didn't like shotguns, as a rule. If she'd have wanted to kill her husband, and the possibility was there, she'd have taken him out from far away, not close enough to smell the blood and see his ruined face.

She sat back, not understanding. Despite the times they'd fought, how much they'd worked against each other, she had no reason to hurt him now, and every reason to protect him. Which drew her eyes to the thing she'd been avoiding. Before she looked she knew what they were. It was obvious, really. But she looked anyway, retching at the first glance. They were unmistakable, even though their bodies were chewed up, as though they'd been put in a food processor. The blue and white of their sleepers was slowly ceding to red, and then black as the blood soaked in. She wiped her mouth, spitting to get the taste out, before moving closer, shaking horribly. Her fingers touched one tiny fist, miraculously untouched, it was cold, and she shook her head. If she'd shot them second, their bodies wouldn't be cold. Had there been someone here she was shooting at?

Her memory was a blank, and that was the worst part. Her lover and her children had died, and she had no idea why, and no clue if she had been the one who'd done it or not.

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April 2020