---☼ Useful Fandom Tools ☼---
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About fandom_how_to
Hopefully we'll have useful information for fanfic and original writers in this comm :)

August 2008
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Posting Rules

Basic Rules for fadom_how_to:


Everyone has posting access, members and non-members alike.

All submissions to fandom_how_to are moderated, which means that they will not appear in the comm immediately after you posted them. They will go for approval first.



Which Topics to Include in Submitted Entries:


Useful HTML tags and tricks and how to use them.


Info on RSS feeds and blog aggregation. (Personal experiences are fine, tools and strategy for fanfic writers.)


Info on Copyright, posting original and fanfic work on Internet. (Personal experiences are fine, tools and strategy for fanfic writers.)


Info on writing resources (With links would be cool) Only post staff which you actually use, not a result of some random Google search.


Basic fandom Info for any fandom. This should be short and to the point, include a list of links for more detailed things and "must read" for newbees.


Anything useful outside of LJ clones (Personal experiences with archives, groups, mailing lists and what to avoid) Long-winded emo essays or bashings will not be approved, though.


Anything else you find useful from personal experience, even if it's a one simple thing. The worst that can happen: your submission might not get approved or you might need to edit the entry before approval.






Topic strategy:


Only things which are directly and immediately useful to fanfiction and original writers. Do not post long-winded essays on writing freedom or a complete theory of HTML tags. Post staff you actually use or know well.


One entry=one idea (if you can manage, hehe!) This should make it easier to search by tag.


All entries must be tagged. Request new tags here: Tag Requests


Make entries as short and specific as possible.


Make entries easy for people without pro backgrounds. Use less terminology and more of normal English. Explain terminology if you absolutely have to use it.

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