July 31st, 2007

[info]unbroken_halo in [info]fall_fantasia

On your Mark...

Original poster: unbroken_halo

Hello again everyone,

Our fest is about to start so let me catch you up with the next bit of news for you. We have twelve wonderfully talented authors that will post a small snippet to the community soon. Beginning August 2nd, you are going to see a post or two show up for someone revealing themselves and the following information:

LJ name:

What is your ideal fic?: Slash, Gen, Het, Fem, 3 or moresome.

List pairings or persons (3 to 5):

Kinks, likes, or fantasies. Can be sexual or not:

Squicks and no-no's. Things to be avoided at all costs:

These snippets are going to be the foundation used to create the upcoming fics. Our participants are going to take the snippet and write a fic for someone using just their likes and dislikes. No prompts other than this are to be given, that's part of the challenge for our participants.

We hope you are still interested in following along with us and enjoying the fics when the authors are finished.
