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Realer than Brownback! [Oct. 24th, 2007|12:40 am]

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[Current Mood | exhausted]

Reruns this week. Have some


+ Two more recaps and some press coverage of Stephen at GWU!
+ And one, two recaps from the signing at the 92nd St Y in NYC.
+ IAA(ASCY!) debuts at #1 on the NYT bestseller list!
+ Steve on Stephen, with video (Not like that!)
+ Crooks and Liars has video from Meet the Press, and MSNBC has a video extra - ooh, and lots of other pretty clips ....
+ Campaign strategy, Campaign finance law, and and Stephen polls ABOVE Richardson, Kucinich, and Gravel!
+ More intelligent campaign discussion
+ NPR loves TDS.
+ (Note to self: 7 PM on NBC.)
+ He is the very model of a presidential candidate!
+ Go read The Thing with Feathers, no really, I mean now.
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.... and so can you! [Oct. 4th, 2007|10:38 pm]

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[Current Mood | rushed]

[info]fake_news was featured on [info]fandomdirectory today, so hello to any new members out there! Please feel free to post - as the userinfo says, anything and everything related at all to TDS or TCR is welcome here.

Today's links not to miss:

I Am America (And So Can You!) is available at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT from Audible.com and iTunes! (I can wait till Tuesday - I have a busy weekend planned, and I still appreciate the value of receiving a physical object in exchange for money. d-: But if you're less crochety than I, GO FORTH AND PURCHASE! FOR STEPHEN!)

There is also another audio preview!

NFZ has an interview with the editor of The Daily Show and Philosophy: Part 1 and Part 2

Demitri Martin is getting his own show - and Jon is a producer!

Tonight on TDS: Jack Goldsmith, author of The Terror Presidency
And on TCR: John Kao, an innovative CEO, and Dan Savage

Go forth and comment!
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