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Colbert bump! [Sep. 24th, 2007|09:11 pm]

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[Current Mood | bored]
[Current Music |Digging for the Truth]

Ok, more news posts it is! (Please vote if you haven't yet!)

Check out this Associated Press analysis of the Colbert Bump (flash video)! (Hat tip NFZ.)

If you went to an IAA(ASCY) release party dressed as your favorite Stephen, which would you pick? I'm leaning toward baseball!Stephen. Or Tek Jansen. :D



On TDS: John Bowe, author of "Nobodies" (I've never heard of him. What a nobody! (hahahaha.))
On TCR: Tom Friedman, author "The World Is Flat" (Never heard of him, either, but it does look interesting.)

It's a bit early, I know, but let this be your comment post if you so desire!
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