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KRXQ Update. [Jun. 6th, 2009|08:29 am]


Ten companies have pulled their advertising or stated that they will not renew their contracts with Sacramento, CA radio station KRXQ following their morning show radio segment where two of the hosts made offensive comments against transgendered children.
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For people in the UK. [May. 31st, 2009|10:54 am]


Please take a look at this. Spectrum London is doing a study on trans people and domestic violence in the UK, so if you're trans and live in the UK please fill out the survey - if you're not but know someone who does, please pass it along to them.
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for those residing in the United States. [May. 19th, 2009|09:51 pm]

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The American Civil Liberties Union has a "know your rights" page for trans* people.
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Interesting New York Times article. [May. 12th, 2009|02:53 pm]


Jennifer Finney Boylan wrote an op-ed that was published in the New York Times this morning called "Is My Marriage Gay?". Boylan is a trans woman who was (and remains) married to a trans woman, and her article makes several good points on how same-sex marriage is relevant to all trans people, regardless of sexual orientation.
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notice. [May. 10th, 2009|12:06 pm]

[Tags|] appears to be down - some guys over at ftm@LJ have been saying that it's been down for anywhere from few days to a few months now, and no one seems to know when/if it's coming back up.

In the meantime, there is a new website which is being actively maintained, iTranstion, which allows pictures from both FtM and MtF trans* people, and includes galleries for not only results of surgery, but also of hormonal transition and trans* people who are no-op/no-ho. It is currently still in "private beta" and if you create an account you must post photos within 24 hours, but once it goes any one will be able to join regardless of whether they intend to post or not.
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Best News Ever For Transgendered People in Wales [Apr. 23rd, 2009|09:06 pm]
BBC News Article:

As I was told at the end of March that it would be at least 4 years until I could really start my therapy, this is the best news ever.

I am just so happy right now I've almost forgotten about my tooth-ache :)
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[Apr. 20th, 2009|11:45 pm]

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Dunno if you guys have seen this already, but there's a bill in the Texas House that would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of "sexual orientation or gender identity/expression". If you know anyone (other than me) who is from Texas, please pass this along to them.
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[Apr. 12th, 2009|10:07 pm]


Some of you may have already heard the situation about the sales rankings for a large number of LGBT-themed book on being removed which would keep them from appearing on the front page. That link goes to a public LJ post listing the books known to have been affected, and at the end of it is Amazon's customer service contact info, for those who'd like to send an e-mail or make a phone call expressing their concern about this (and if you do choose to do this, please do it politely - the person taking your call or reading your e-mail is probably not the one responsible for the situation.)

As for who is responsible, tehdely@LJ has put forth a theory - for the tl;dr folks, basically it's possible that some outside group is going around and flagging all the LGBT-related books as offensive, which would cause their sales rankings to be removed. Such a system would have been intended to keep actual offensive mateiral off the front page, and it wasn't intended to be used like that. Just something to keep in mind before anyone deletes their account - hopefully we'll get a full explanation after Easter weekend's over.
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"We Are Everywhere" Project [Apr. 5th, 2009|10:47 pm]


A few people have posted links to the "We Are Everywhere" mapping project over at ftm@LJ, and I thought I'd crosspost it.

Quoted from the website:
"When I started transition, in my small community of 1200, I had very limited exposure to transmen. While I remembered seeing transwomen on talk shows as a teenager, I couldn’t recall seeing transmen in popular media (aside from tragic stories like Boys Don’t Cry), and concluded that we must be a rare breed indeed. In the time since then, I’ve realized that I couldn’t have been more wrong in that assumption.

"The more I delve into the FTM community, the more I am able to judge the large scope of it. Just like Deadheads, transmen are everywhere!"

All you have to do is is enter a name/alias - apart from that you can include as much or as little information as you like (your postal code, your city, or even just your region.) The point is to put a box on the map that represents you, to demonstrate that trans men are not some tiny little group, nor confined to one particular region or area.
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FYI. [Mar. 30th, 2009|11:58 pm]

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If you live in New York or plan to travel there for any surgeries, you should be aware that Dr. Stanley Taub, a surgeon who does a number of SRS procedures (including FtM chest reconstruction) has had to make "13 malpractice payments ... in the last decade."
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linked from LJ. [Mar. 28th, 2009|10:22 pm]

Donated to trans activism groups with GoodSearch.

In addition to the NCTE, you can also choose to fund the Transgender Law Center (in San Francisco), the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (in New York City), and a number of other GLBT-related groups.
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Look, a post! [Mar. 24th, 2009|04:11 pm]

[Tags|] Harsh Realities Finds Transgender Youth Face Extreme Harassment in School

The page include a link to a PDF download of the study done by GLSEN. Highlights of the study include:

-overview of the types of problems/harassment faced by trans students compared with GLB cis students and straight cis students.
-consequences of problems/harassment (missing school, dropping out, etc.)
-recommendations for actions that teachers and administrators can take to help solve these problems and make schools safer for trans students
-acknowledgment that GLB and T are not the same thing (and that a person can be both at once.)

If you know anyone who's going into the education field, this is something they need to see.
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UK trans Question [Mar. 6th, 2009|12:57 pm]
Cross-posted from [info]tguk  on LJ

I've been living as a man for about 4 years now, last year officially changed my name (took a while due to family troubles) and have seen my GP and also been to counselling sessions.

I finished all my consultations with psychiatrists and counsellors in summer last year, and they gave me the A-OK to go ahead. I received nothing from them since then.

So... I'll admit I didn't know if I had to contact the Charing Cross specialist hospital regarding it or if the counselling centre would do it, but I have heard nothing. I just don't know who to contact or how to go about it. I'd really like some help, as I now what to really get the ball moving.

Could someone give me some advice as how to go about all this?
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[Jan. 12th, 2009|07:13 pm]

(Crossposted from here)

So, in Gainesville, there's yet another group using the "predator in the woman's room" scare tactic to encourage the repeal of laws to protect transpeople.

I'm sick of this. But what's even more frustrating is the lack of alternate images we're presenting to the public. While it's nice to tell people that we're not a bunch of predators and pervs, we aren't really giving them any examples of real transpeople to base their opinions on. That's why I'm suggesting a project.

More Information:
Equality is Gainesville's Business
MSNBC: Conservatives fight transgender bathroom rule
The Pee In Peace YouTube group
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Gay Trans guys in Out magazine [Mar. 15th, 2008|09:45 am]
[music |Virgin Radio]

The Trans Fags
They're like any other gay men. Except born female.
by T Cooper

On a cold winter night I take my 20-year-old friend Hunter to an East Village gay bar -- his first time in a New York City watering hole where he could wade among other cute gay men like himself. I convince the bartender to let us in by pretending that Hunter is my little brother who just turned 21 and came out but had his wallet and ID stolen on the subway. The barkeep grudgingly lets us stay, and we take a seat in the rear. It’s a pretty empty weeknight, but a few guys start throwing looks over shoulders and cruising Hunter, and he whispers that he thinks one of them is cute — the straightest-looking dude in the room.

Then, as if called in from any-gay-bar central casting, a lanky dark-haired guy starts unbuttoning his fly and pulling out a soft dick, then lets it flop around outside his jeans as he struts around the bar. Both Hunter and I try not to stare, but we start betting on whether it’s real. For 20 minutes we’re convinced it is, but then someone pulls the thing, and it stretches to a skinny foot-long before snapping back wildly. Hunter laughs and mouths, “Totally fooled me.”

Despite handling the often rugged and unforgiving testing ground of a gritty downtown gay bar with aplomb, Hunter -- like the rest of the men you see on these pages -- is the kind of guy some online gay hookup sites don’t want you to meet. But I do. So let me introduce you to Trystan, Cole, Kelly, and Hunter, all trans fags -- Transgender men who date other men.
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US, MA: MTPC Monthly Newsletter and HB 1722 update [Feb. 4th, 2008|02:00 pm]
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[music |Virgin Radio]

Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition Monthly Newsletter - February 2008

Remember to vote tomorrow!
Tuesday, Feb 5th is Massachusetts Primary Day
Don't know where your polling place is?
Visit to find out where to vote in your community.

HB 1722 Updates
Hearing for bill coming up very soon:
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MTPC Updates
New Message board
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Going to NGLTF's Creating Change Conference in Detroit this week?
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Next MTPC Boston General Meeting
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Next Free Legal Clinic for Low-Income Transgender People is 21st February
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Your tax-deductible donation makes our work for in advancing gender identity and gender expression rights and access possible.
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General Community Message:
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Find out how you can support HB 1722 - "An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes"
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Binder Review Website [Dec. 14th, 2007|06:50 pm]
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I recently started a website featuring reviews of chest binders. I thought I'd share it, and ask for help at the same time. I'm looking for reviewers, as well as any feedback you might have on the content of the site.

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well, here we are [Dec. 10th, 2007|05:21 pm]

I'm looking to maybe jump ship from LJ, and I noticed that IJ doesn't have an updated ftm community, so here it goes. Suggestions?
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