:: EX VOTO :: - March 15th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

March 15th, 2013

painted horrible [Mar. 15th, 2013|05:58 pm]


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In shadows they met, brothers by blood and bounty. In their hushed discourse was disclosed truths disproven -- a man alive, a beast -- nothing more -- remaining, and the fragments of the family psyche being pressed together with bloodied fingers and heavy trepidation.

"You're certain?"

"I must be. For now, the catacombs were the only solution." )

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ghosts [Mar. 15th, 2013|06:04 pm]


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[[*since i'm technically still at work the event will be posted later tonight ><"

He fell down a fetid rabbit hole that smelled of death and the damp of surrounding earth -- of funerary beds and sickly-sweet lilies that had rotted away with the memories of the long-forgot. The Prince avoided this place -- at all costs, with little difficulty -- but at the behest of his brother’s silence, at the urging of his Uncle’s strange and stilted visit, he made his way downdowndown, deep into the darkness that had engulfed his brother, his cousin -- one and the other until it had beckoned him in turn, promising the souls of family who had once been fearless, kind --

once been more than monsters. )

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[Mar. 15th, 2013|11:32 pm]
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In the wake of volatile times, the King sought desperate measures.

Silence of political unrest fell heavy upon Thellondel. In an effort to exhibit the lingering (however false) peace between the four nations, King Eland called for a Festival to break the mundanity of the winter months, ushering in renewed faith and goodwill betwixt leaders and upper-class of each of the four regions.

The Festival has extended to the lower classes; the streets are busy, rejuvenated with visitors from each land -- they are crowded and vibrant, alight with colour from masks, flowers, and food, each merchant striving to leave his mark in the monochrome of winter and impending changes in the pecking order above.


what does this mean for my character?
This means that if you are royal or of upper class -- congrats! You've been summoned to Thellondel to partake in the activities! Spanning the various royal estates are servants provided for guest residences -- it is not mandatory, but to decline invitation would be rather poor social form. More concrete dates (banquets, panels with certain royals to discuss matters of trade/commerce/rich people things) will be announced as we get a bit more into the event.

If you are lower class, the festivities have descended down the social thrungs -- the peasants are having celebrations of their own, from street fairs to events at the taverns and lounges. However, all formal and official scheduled events are of the more sociopolitical nature and have been kept to the royal guests of King Eland. If your character owns a business, feel free to take liberties and have them run events in their establishments!!

how long is this going to go for?
As of now the event is going to be self-perpetuating. We are hoping that you can make new connections through this event, as everyone seems to have stagnated with lines relevant to their specific regional alignment. This is your chance to get your character involved in someone they wouldn't ordinarily -- for example, Felix would likely never hang out with the likes of Ran. Make things like this your intention! If it goes well and you are all enjoying it, we will be taking feedback and running the event based on player response. If it stagnates, the event will be concluded.

weren't we all in Thellondel anyway?
Yes, but everyone seems to have retained a sense of nationalism xD. Use this to push your character to seek out new people and new perspectives on life. Some characters, as well, have been marginally involved because they are rarely out and about. This also gives the high upper-class the excuse to be in very close quarters, something not really encouraged by the political unrest of the game thus far. It also perpetuates the court intrigue aspect, as there is likely to be quite a bit of drama arising.

any other inquiry not addressed
I can't stress enough, you guys -- EMAIL ME!!! Part of the complaints I received upon restarting the game were that a large portion of you were stuck with your plots because you needed involvement of mod characters and couldn't progress your stories any further. I am, for all intents and purposes, puppeting Nen's characters for the time being, so if you had plot with her let me know so I can eradicate the problems and help you get your guys up and running again!! I've not received much contact from many people, but there was quite a bit of secrecy amongst the mods to keep court intrigue as real as possible, too -- this meaning, if you had plots with Nen that weren't addressed in logs yet, I won't know of them. I wanna help you guysssss ;o; don't be shy please, please, please -- just because I'm not on AIM doesn't mean I'm not around. ALSO, if you feel the need to address things that would be better dealt with in rapidfire conversation, GChat is tied to my mobile -- besidethegramophone, just like my e-mail. I nanny, so my responses may have little lulls (much like texts) because my focus is the children, but I guarantee I will address anything that you bring to me!

Ask any questions in the comments below, or e-mail! :D Otherwise, have fun and get to plotting, beautiful babies!! ♥
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