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[13 Apr 2017|09:51am]
Who: Fabian and Lana
Where: Her flat
When: Wednesday night, April 13
What: Fay promised a friend date and a massage, and he just wants some Lana time. There may be Anton gushing.
Rating: Low (no sexy times for these two)

In rain or shine you've stood by me girl. I'm happy at home. You're my best friend. )
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OOC Plot Note [13 Apr 2017|02:48pm]
Malcolm Cram was given the Dementor's Kiss publicly yesterday within the Ministry (by that pretty little fountain). Considering the chaos of the event, it was relatively well-managed by the Ministry. No-one was trampled to death, at least. The Minister explained how the wolf would then rip Malcolm apart when he transformed that night (he was a werewolf that could transform for 3 nights). All of this is public knowledge.
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[13 Apr 2017|05:05pm]
Micah King )
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[13 Apr 2017|09:00pm]
Characters: Mo and Micah
Date: 13 April
Setting: Greyback pack house, living room
Content: Swearing and talk/thoughts of violence
Summary: Everyone's tired, wizards are awful, Micah is hurt. Probably a lot of whinging.

did the seesaw nights put their hands on you, I can't really say )
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