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PLOT POST [12 Apr 2017|09:37am]
Right, I'm not posting this all separate because otherwise I'll spam the page yet again. SO. You get the lovely shiny wand icon for all the characters.

Cliff-notes of the Minister's statement following the attack on the Muggle orphanage by werewolf Malcolm Cram )

Daily Prophet Article: WAR WITH THE WOLVES )

An owl to Fenrir Greyback. The bird drops the package from a great height. )

OOC: Please note below if your character was already in the Werewolf Registry. While it was not mandatory before, the Ministry wasn't very upfront about that so your character may have assumed they had no choice. If your character was taken to St. Mungo's following a werewolf bite, they will have been registered (thanks, Legs). Also, the information held by the Ministry may not be up to date. Your character could be registered... The Ministry does not know the current location of the Greyback pack.
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[12 Apr 2017|01:44pm]
Fenrir Greyback )
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[12 Apr 2017|02:29pm]
Characters: Evan Rosier and Rodolphus Lestrange
Date: Day after the attack
Setting: Lestrange Manor
Content: Medium for language?
Summary: They have a few drinks, chat about the attack then about the women in their lives...

Wine is the answer... What's the question? )
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