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[14 Apr 2017|11:03am]
Characters: Melisande, Castor, Juliet, and Peter
Date: Wednesday, April 12
Setting: Yaxley Manor
Content: Low
Summary: Family dinner plus a guest

Lamb is delicious Peter, really. )
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[14 Apr 2017|12:10pm]
Who: Hamish & Isaac
When: BACKDATED: April 12, Afternoon
Where: Random Spot in the Forest
What: Hamish helps Isaac out with some Devil's Snare and ends up having a very telling conversation.
Rating: TBD?

Its All The Same Thing, Girls Chase Girls, Chase Boys. Boys Chase Boys, Chase Girls. )
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[14 Apr 2017|07:16pm]
Characters: Isaac Morgan and Severus Snape
Date: Friday 14th April
Setting: Hogwarts
Content: Low
Summary: Avoiding the matter at hand... and a date?

Master Negotiator )
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