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[27 Apr 2017|02:20pm]
An update on poor Lana.

She's been tortured and killed. Astrid sent pieces of her heart to Molly, Gideon, Fabian, and Emmeline. The heart pieces are sent to St. Mungo's for evaluation, but tests cannot determine who the heart belongs to, other than that it is a human heart.

Kur dumps her body in a predominantly Muggle area, so that there's a delay before it's found.

But they had a slip-up -- Moody will recognize Astrid's handwriting on the packages, and Kur had an exchange with Lana in the past.
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[27 Apr 2017|03:57pm]
Hello! I'm Ariel and I'm bad at intros but here are some info-bullets and a gif of balloons so forgive me.

Anyway, meet Miss Sinistra Lowe,
➤ born a Burke. Lowe is her late husband's name.
➤ slytherin class of '71 where her extracurricular included detention for insulting a professor's penmanship or casually flinging the word 'mudblood' around like skittles at a party
➤ one older brother (Slytherin. 32. *eyezooms @ annie*) and one younger (Ravenclaw. 22. Independent Curse Breaker.); bosses them both around
➤ author on topics of pureblood supremacy, purist leaning politics, and anti-muggle history
➤ likes muggles like she likes her coffee. she doesn't like coffee
➤ has a limp (slight on good days, severe enough she needs a cane on bad ones) from being hit by a car when she was a child
➤ appears heavily on talk shows and political debates on the WWN where they like to throw her at some poor unsuspecting muggle enthusiast and let her verbally peel the skin off them--known informally as Trial by Lowe.
➤ history buff u gais. worked in a museum archive, pre-celebrity
➤ then she went off to Novosibirsk and you know how it is in Novosibirsk -- purist minded academia forums, secret societies, Stalin. that sort of thing
➤ was briefly married to her silver fox of a writing mentor before he died
➤ pretty damn smiley for someone who disagrees with 96% of the population (do not check those statistics, I made them up)
➤ very polite, even when she's being very rude

I am very excited, give me all things.
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[27 Apr 2017|07:37pm]
Salutations from evening bio lab! I'm Erin, I'm new, and I got hot sauce in my bag (swag). More importantly, I bring you RITA SKEETER.

Rita is the successfully product of a really shitty family (who constantly hit her up for $$), now lucratively working for Daily Prophet after destroying the career of a respected Wizengamot member who was up to some very not-respectable things. Uncanny talent for digging up dirt via a carefully applied combination of research, informants, blackmail, and spying (*cough*unregisteredanimagus*cough*). Slytherclaw. Use to get into bitch fights at school about who was better, Plato or Xenophon. Rita cares about three things in this world and that's luxury, hyperbole, and a good story--and also big dogs. She's here to sensationalize the war, throw more shade than a palm tree, and spill all the tea.

Your plots. I want them.
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