Jul. 26th, 2009


Modly Announcement

::adjusts mod hat::

I'm certain that everyone has noticed the rather significant lack of activity on the part of the mods here; we've been stagnant for some weeks now.  Between one thing and another, the three of us have moved in other directions and onto other projects not to mention real life issues and, in short, find ourselves low on muses for this particular game. 

Following a modly discussion this evening, we came to a decision.  While we won't be closing the game altogether, we also won't be doing anything plotwise with it, nor will any of us be posting, which is no change from the activity now, really.  I myself will come if called but will be otherwise inactive.

You are all welcome to continue playing here; as stated, we are not closing the doors altogether.  We just figured you'd all like to know what's happening so you're not left to wonder.

Modly yours,