Jul. 26th, 2009


Modly Announcement

::adjusts mod hat::

I'm certain that everyone has noticed the rather significant lack of activity on the part of the mods here; we've been stagnant for some weeks now.  Between one thing and another, the three of us have moved in other directions and onto other projects not to mention real life issues and, in short, find ourselves low on muses for this particular game. 

Following a modly discussion this evening, we came to a decision.  While we won't be closing the game altogether, we also won't be doing anything plotwise with it, nor will any of us be posting, which is no change from the activity now, really.  I myself will come if called but will be otherwise inactive.

You are all welcome to continue playing here; as stated, we are not closing the doors altogether.  We just figured you'd all like to know what's happening so you're not left to wonder.

Modly yours,

Jul. 24th, 2009


Just an FYI, I'm headed on a mad road trip up to Whistler and Vancouver (13 hour drive anyone?) starting next Saturday which means 'net access will be intermittent at best and I'm pretty sure my fellow 'trippers will flip their proverbial lids if I spend the entire time on a laptop.  Plus the mountains don't get great wifi, y'know?  Basically I'll be gone from August 1 - 8 (at the latest) with a possibility of checking my email but that's it. As a side note, I'm rather afraid of what the ol' inbox will look like when I get back.

Aaaanyways, if anyone wants any of my kids this coming week, give me a heads up. 



Hey all, still kicking but with my health, and my old comp dying a slow death. It finally died, trying to get a new computer and get it set up. So, I need some time off. This affects Layla, Max, Zach, and soon to be Jane.

Jun. 29th, 2009



Because I'm not changing the email address on 20+ journals, until IJ gets it shit straightened out, I'm likely going to be replying with and posting with my catchall journal. This is a temporary measure, though if IJ isn't fixed by wednesday ... well, we'll see then.

This is just a heads up so you don't wonder why I'm all "la la la not at work but using work journal la la la"

FYI, and all that.



Because of aforementioned issue, if you're waiting on me to tag into something, is v. likely I haven't noticed it, so don't hesitate to poke.


Moddish Update?


Hi.  ::waves:: I should start with that, yeah?  So hi.  It's Caz on my ooc journal. ::beams at::

I've revamped the taken page to make it prettier and I thought you all might like to know.  Please go ahead and check that to make sure your pups are there, the info is correct, etc.

This is one of those I-stayed-up-really-late-until-my-eyes-bled-with-tired projects so if you're missing, it means one of two things: 1. You weren't on the wiki or the taken page and tsk tsk on you or 2. I fell asleep at the lappy and missed you so tsk tsk on me.  Either way, comment HERE and let me know and I'll fix it.  As far as pics go, for the most part, I went with your default so if you'd rather I put up a different icon, comment with the URL and I'll change it.

... pretty sure that's all I had.  I need to go do something so I don't dream about HTML now.


Jun. 27th, 2009


Don't Forget!

Everyone had wicked nightmares last night.

And IJ is being fail with delivering notifs for things I'm tracking, so if I (or anyone else, I imagine) is "ignoring" a post, is possible they haven't seen it yet, so poke 'em.

Unless they're the anti-poking sort.

Jun. 23rd, 2009


OMG, Plot!

By which I mean, we are tossing out a mini-plot this weekend. Participation isn't mandatory, but it'll be affecting your characters regardless of whether or not they react to it on screen.

The Powers have decided to test the mettle of their recruits by tossing their worst fears at them in the form of nightmares. On Friday night (yes, this friday, the 26th), the characters will have nightmares about their deepest, darkest fears. For the characters that don't sleep, such as the Twilight verse vampires, they'll have visions. Very realistic visions of their worst fears.

If you have questions - or suggestions for future mini plot things - let us know. We like using everyone's favorite sand in the sand box, but we can't know what you don't tell us.

At some point down the line - you know, once us modly sorts have all our ducks in a row, aren't fighting with meds, stress, or moving, and we have our muses back in line - we are looking to branching back into separate comms for the actual plotline war-bits. But... that'll totally be optional, and nothing would change here if/when we opted to go that way.

So, right. There's that.

Yay thing that vaguely resembles a plot!

Jun. 18th, 2009



On the heels of Halo's hiatus, I thought I would poke my head in here to let you know that yes, I am about.  See? ::prods self:: All here and stuff.

Any modly questions you have can still be directed to the mod email (escapemechanism.mod@gmail.com), which I believe both Mandy and I have routing back to our main mails, and one or both of us will get to it as soon as we can.  I'm also almost always on AIM (pandoraluscious), so feel free to ping me there for an instant gratification deal.  If I don't answer right away, I'm either thinking (hear that grinding noise?) or afk.  And this is my very empty mun journal on IJ which you can prod me on if you'd like.

That's really all I had for now. 

Oh, and if it all goes to hell in a handbasket? You can probably blame me. XD


Jun. 9th, 2009


More Modly Junk


We now have a wanted list!

Well, we have a place for one. This post is for holds, to list the banned characters, and the wanted characters. If you would like anything put under any of the headers, just comment on that entry. :) For characters you want banned, please list why so we can decide if it's a ban-worthy reason or not.



Hey, guys -

Just FYI, this is an official mod post and should be treated as such.

Since it's come up once, it's bound to come up again, so I thought I'd go ahead and do a clarification post before it becomes a pattern/issue/etc.

Nothing comes into Dar Oma without our approval.

This goes for characters, buildings/businesses, pets, and larger than pocket sized items, as well as things like internet. There is no "cell phone network"; the devices work via magic, not technology. We're not saying 'cannot have', we are saying 'please ask' because there are going to be a few things that aren't welcome in Dar Oma; a few concepts that go against the nature of the place, and once they're introduced, it's difficult for us to retcon them.

Dar Oma is an isolated place.

The characters can use their Mechs to visit the other realties, but the realities are not connected to Dar Oma. Think of it as life in a bubble.

I know a lot of you have brought in characters from other games of a similar nature, but EM is not like those other games in that sense. It isn't like WiHH, or UTR, or any of the other similar panfandoms.

If you have questions, please ask. I'd rather be asked what you think is a "silly" question rather than have to send out a mod letter to correct a boo-boo. And nine times out of ten, we'll be fine with it - we just like to be in the know so we don't stumble across something while reading a thread and "wtf" among ourselves as to how that snuck in.

That being said, if there's anything we can do to make the game more fun, let us know :) I know it's difficult right now with all three of us having difficulties, but we are here for you, for reals. It just might take us a little longer than usual to get around to things.

Escaping Mods


Modly update

Just an FYI, Caz at the moment has no internet. If anyone's waiting on a tag from her, or wants to tag her into a thread, she is unsure when she'll be back. Hopefully today, but it's a problem with the company, so there's no telling.

Also, in that same vein, Halo is getting new internets tomorrow - and given her track record with the company, may not have 'net after work. If there is no Halo tomorrow night, it is very likely Verizon's fault.

Continuing along the 'we're not here' dance, Mandy has been having some trouble with her laptop as well, so her connection may be limited for an indefinite period.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what is going on with your mods.

Jun. 5th, 2009



Just an FYI to all, I'm headed up to the corner of no and where (aka my mother's) this weekend so anyone in a thread with me right now (because I have so many going ::boots fail::) is bound to get spotty replies until Monday.  I'll get on if and when I can, but there's this whole ... relatives from the UK thing happening and I have to have my cheeks pinched and whatnot.

I will, however, have my cellphone and my AIM will be on at all times.  Unless I'm asleep.  Then probably not.  Seriously.  Ping me. Save me from the horror!!! By which I mean I will have a lovely time and I hope everyone has a great weekend.  That's what I mean isn't it?

::giggles and skitters away::


::returns briefly::

Oh, and you have me until about 5:30 MST this afternoon.  Then I have to ::gestures:: trek up there. 

And no, Mandy, that was not a Star Trek reference. There is no mention of The Quinto here.  Mention of The Quinto?  That would be here.


Which reminds me. ::points to tags:: If anyone ever wants one of my pups and I haven't posted them in a while or .. you just want them to come play, I'm very proddable.  I think I've managed to tag everyone down there.  Though (heads up) we may be getting an older Bellatrix as well. ::prods that muse::


Okay, now I'm done.

::giggles like a maniac and skips off to go have another coffee::



First, I would like to apologize on behalf of Caz, Mandy, and myself for our relatively low level of participation lately. We've all got RL/other stuff going on, and muses are at an all-time low. It's not that we're ignoring you, it's just that we're lame. :)

Second, tags. We have them, you can make your own, please to be using them or the baby llamas will eat your souls. That is not as cute and adorable as it sounds. Seriously. They've got these demonic red eyes and ... whatnot. If you make a wrong tag you'd like deleted so no one uses it again, please to be hitting up one of us and we will take care of that. Typos or wrong names or ... whatever.

Thirdly, if we have missed any admin stuff (updates, if you've still got an app pending, if you haven't been added to the comms, etc), please, please get on us about that. We aren't psychic, and we're not deliberately trying to screw you; we're just still working out the 'who does what' kinks of modding a moderated comm, and things are bound to fall through the cracks.

Fourthly, if you have questions or suggestions, you can always hit us up. Write to the mod-mail, harass one of us through IMs, whichever.

Fifthly, since it's come up once already and it might come up again, Dar Oma is completely isolated from the other realities. Yes, your character can hop to the other realities, but nothing from the outside can come in. Nothing...people-wise. Characters can carry in things they pick up in other realities, but no poison gas is going to be seeping in from a wasteland reality, and no NPCs are going to randomly show up as visitors.

Sixthly, ::yawns:: Morning!

May. 31st, 2009


Howdy! It's Illmantrim here, and just poking my head out to say that Vision is going to take on a job at the local bar in Dar Oma, and Kon, when she actually shows up will be working at a shop in the market area.

May. 21st, 2009


Lol, srsly?

No one's busted into the OOC comm yet? Srsly?

Anyway, just a heads up that I'll be using this journal ::points:: at work, due to login/logout issues. This isn't anything new to people who played with me before, but it might be new to a couple of you.

Pretty much, loading an icon from each pup here, and using it to reply to/start threads while I'm at work.