June 9th, 2009

[info]escape_mod in [info]escapemech_ooc

Modly update

Just an FYI, Caz at the moment has no internet. If anyone's waiting on a tag from her, or wants to tag her into a thread, she is unsure when she'll be back. Hopefully today, but it's a problem with the company, so there's no telling.

Also, in that same vein, Halo is getting new internets tomorrow - and given her track record with the company, may not have 'net after work. If there is no Halo tomorrow night, it is very likely Verizon's fault.

Continuing along the 'we're not here' dance, Mandy has been having some trouble with her laptop as well, so her connection may be limited for an indefinite period.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what is going on with your mods.

[info]escape_mod in [info]escapemech_ooc


Hey, guys -

Just FYI, this is an official mod post and should be treated as such.

Since it's come up once, it's bound to come up again, so I thought I'd go ahead and do a clarification post before it becomes a pattern/issue/etc.

Nothing comes into Dar Oma without our approval.

This goes for characters, buildings/businesses, pets, and larger than pocket sized items, as well as things like internet. There is no "cell phone network"; the devices work via magic, not technology. We're not saying 'cannot have', we are saying 'please ask' because there are going to be a few things that aren't welcome in Dar Oma; a few concepts that go against the nature of the place, and once they're introduced, it's difficult for us to retcon them.

Dar Oma is an isolated place.

The characters can use their Mechs to visit the other realties, but the realities are not connected to Dar Oma. Think of it as life in a bubble.

I know a lot of you have brought in characters from other games of a similar nature, but EM is not like those other games in that sense. It isn't like WiHH, or UTR, or any of the other similar panfandoms.

If you have questions, please ask. I'd rather be asked what you think is a "silly" question rather than have to send out a mod letter to correct a boo-boo. And nine times out of ten, we'll be fine with it - we just like to be in the know so we don't stumble across something while reading a thread and "wtf" among ourselves as to how that snuck in.

That being said, if there's anything we can do to make the game more fun, let us know :) I know it's difficult right now with all three of us having difficulties, but we are here for you, for reals. It just might take us a little longer than usual to get around to things.

Escaping Mods

[info]escape_mod in [info]escapemech_ooc

More Modly Junk


We now have a wanted list!

Well, we have a place for one. This post is for holds, to list the banned characters, and the wanted characters. If you would like anything put under any of the headers, just comment on that entry. :) For characters you want banned, please list why so we can decide if it's a ban-worthy reason or not.