July 9th, 2009

[info]angel_mercy in [info]escape_logs

Who: Angela Mercy, Merlin
What: Meeting each other
Where: the beach
When: after her post in the forum
Warnings: not likely.

Angela flew over the beach. She hadn't been to a beach during the daytime for a long, long time.

She was nervous. Since coming here, she had spoken to more people than she had in years. People seemed accepting here, but how accepting could they possibly be? There must be someone in this place who would eventually point out what a freak she was. Turn people against her.

There was always someone.

She came in for a landing, and did so gracefully. She was good at flying, good at landing, though at first, she'd foundered like a baby bird. Angela was proud of herself for learning how to fly, all on her own.

Once she'd landed, she closed her wings and looked around for Merlin.