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Jul. 25th, 2009


Who: Domino, Cable, and their soccer team children
What: arriving in the proper time again
Where: a park in Dar Oma
When: mid-afternoon
Warnings: Domino's going to curse.

"I'm going to divorce you, Nathan." Domino's voice was dead pan as she looked around them, her face scrunched up in thought. She adjusted the baby on her hip, looking back at the children behind them. "Is Steve upset? He's kinda of got that 'I'm going to kill you' look going on."

Michael, the child on her hip grabbed a hold of a big chunk of Domino's hair, making her wince and work to disentangle it. "See, even the kid's turning on me. Jerk." She made a face at Nathan. "We're in the past again, aren't we?"


Who: Merlin And Angie
What: A walk and a talk'
Where: From her place to elswhere...
When: today
Warnings: None yet.

like sand through an hourglass, time flowed on, and dreams with it... )

Jul. 19th, 2009


Who: Lorna Summers, OTA
What: having a drink inna bar
Where: The Celestial Night Inne
When: early evening
Warnings: probably not.

Lorna settled in her chair, smiling softly. She had a beer in front of her, as well as a video game, and was therefor pretty much in heaven. She used her powers to manipulate the machine idly as she drank, looking around at the various other patrons of the tavern.

She liked this place. It was a good place to meet people, and she tended to be very bouncy most of the time. Tonight she was a little more low key, but that was mostly from being tired. The whole day had been spent exploring the caves with Alex, and her body ached, even with the flagrant use of her powers. Part of her was certain that her work with Hephaestus was making her powers stronger, but it drew on her resources more to use them. Or maybe she just wasn't sleeping enough.

Either way, she was relaxed, and having fun, and that was the most important thing. She had work in the morning, but that was something to look forward to, rather than dread.

Jul. 14th, 2009


Who: Ganieda, Sam Witwicky, Merlin, Angela Mercy
What: A family dinner--or double date. Whichever.
Where: The castle at Avalon
When: Today
Warnings: not likely

Ganieda and Sam had been cooking for most of the day, with Merlin stopping in to help as well. Gani had to admit some curiosity about this girl her brother was bringing home. She certainly sounded nice enough, and the wings were intriguing. The table had been set for four, with Ganieda thoughtfully providing a backless stool for Angela to sit upon.

Wings and backs of chairs must surely conflict.

Ganieda had always set a pretty table, and that, combined with the warm firelight upon the hearth, made for a cozy meeting-place. She hoped that Angela would feel welcome here.

Jul. 9th, 2009


Who: Angela Mercy, Merlin
What: Meeting each other
Where: the beach
When: after her post in the forum
Warnings: not likely.

Angela flew over the beach. She hadn't been to a beach during the daytime for a long, long time.

She was nervous. Since coming here, she had spoken to more people than she had in years. People seemed accepting here, but how accepting could they possibly be? There must be someone in this place who would eventually point out what a freak she was. Turn people against her.

There was always someone.

She came in for a landing, and did so gracefully. She was good at flying, good at landing, though at first, she'd foundered like a baby bird. Angela was proud of herself for learning how to fly, all on her own.

Once she'd landed, she closed her wings and looked around for Merlin.

Jul. 1st, 2009


Who: Belladonna Boudreaux, OTA
What: playing pool
Where: The Dragon's Tankard
When: early evening
Warnings: possible strong language, drinking, smoking.

Belle eyed her shot, cigarette dangling from her lips, forgotten for the moment. If she did this just right, she'd be able to get two balls in at once, but the angle had to be perfect. Her face was relaxed, but her posture was attentive, ever fiber of her being poised, as though her life depended on this shot.

Her pencil skirt hugged her curves, and the button down shirt she wore made her physical assets very obvious, especially bent over like she was. Even if she wasn't in the mood for a relationship (which by her definition was knowing her partner's name at any point during a one night stand), she liked to be looked at. She knew it was vain, but vanity was the least of her vices, all things considered.

She took the shot, finally, watching the balls careen across the table in exactly the manner she'd wanted them to, the ten and four balls finding their pockets easily. She straightened and smirked at the table, before drinking one of the four shots she had lined up on a nearby table.

Jun. 30th, 2009


RP: Muses!

Who: Spock
Where: The Couch
When: Mid-afternoon
Status: Whatever you'd like it to be
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Spock arrives.

Fascinating. )

Jun. 29th, 2009


Who: Darius, OTA
What: laying out on the beach
Where: The beach
When: evening time
Warnings: unlikely.

The nightmare had left Darius more shaken than he cared to admit. So instead of sitting around inside brooding, he had come outside to absorb some sun and hopefully interact with people. He had on a pair of sunglasses, and there was a cooler full of water bottles and sandwiches next to him. There was also a wrapper from a consumed sandwich in a paper bag he was using for trash.

He watched the other people on the beach playing, and smiled softly. They weren't purposely ignoring him, he knew. But he had to keep reminding himself that, and it made him irritated. It felt very narcissistic to be certain that complete strangers were purposely ignoring you.

He settled on his stomach, so no one would see the ugly cross shaped tattoo on his chest. He set his head on his towel, and dug his hands and feet into the sand, enjoying the warmth and the sun, rather like a large man-shaped cat.

Jun. 28th, 2009


Who: Sway, Atley Jackson, open
Where: Celestial Night Inne
When: Late afternoon
Status: Open, ongoing
Warnings: Cursing at the very least
Summary: Sway and Atley catch up

The reunion hadn't gone badly thus far.  Knowing that Atley had known all this time where Memphis was ... well, that hurt but she got over it.  Probably better that way, especially back at the beginning, when he'd first left.  If she'd known, she wasn't sure if she'd have gone out, but his going cold turkey wouldn't have helped either of them at the time.  Still and all, knowing he was around .... well, no.  That wasn't a good plan, thinking about it, prodding at that wound.  She was fine, had been fiine for the past six years.  This was the first time in a long while that she'd seen a familiar face.  Since they'd all cleaned up, people had gone their seperate ways. 

From what she could tell, he was still in the game, though less so than he had been in their day.  Babysitting, he called it, and when he explained just who he'd been 'sitting and what they'd been doing, Sway's stomach lurched.  All that and Kip still got into the life.  Fucking waste that was.  She could have had Memphis still, she could have ... no.  It didn't change anything.

All in all, the talking was about finished and they'd gotten to the point in their beers where they were exchanging lively stories about the 'good ol' days' and how they used to do all those things.  Atley was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes, slapping his hand on the table and Sway just grinned, running a hand through her hair as they dredged up old memories and made them new again, telling old jokes that were suddenly funny once you shared them with someone you'd known for ages.  It was honestly the best Sway had felt since her arrval,


Who: Amadora Mercado, open
Where: Lounge, The Couch
When: The wee hours
Status: Open, ongoing
Warnings: None thus far
Summary: Amadora isn't in Kansas the 'Verse anymore

The day had been long and Amadora had been grateful for sleep that night.  Her eyes opened on a dark room and she thought little of it, though she wondered what time it was.  Absently rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she stretched as she shifted her legs of The Couch, reaching to flick on her bedside lamp .... or where she thought her bedside lamp was.  The lack of it caught her attention and she sat up straighter, looking about more intently now.  It was immediately drawn to her attention that this was not her bed at the Training House, nor was this the room she shared with another young Companion.  Full lips pressed into a thin line and she might have frowned if she hadn't been concerned about wrinkles.

"Ai ya! Huaile,*" she muttered, more to herself than anything, "Where is everyone?"

Dressed only in a sheer nightdress, the young lady padded across the lounge and poked her head out of the door.

*something's wrong.

Jun. 27th, 2009


Who: Darius, Ophelia
What: Nightmares
Where: their place
When: Friday night.

She'd been sleeping soundly for a couple of hours before the nightmare came upon her.

She couldn't breathe. Her clothes had become sodden and she couldn't breathe. Ophelia didn't know how to swim. She struggled but her limbs became even more entangled in her clothing and the weeds surrounding her.

She reached up, up, and somehow, pulled herself out. All of her hair was streaming down her back in a sodden mess, and she still hadn't slept in days, and her feet were bare. She was so cold.

But the flowers and plants were speaking to her, the rue and the daisies and violets -- no, no violets, they were gone -- the columbines and fennel. The rosemary for remembrance and pansies for thoughts... and they all uttered, you are mad Ophelia. Go to your home and weep, for you are mad and shall be nevermore in your right mind. And then everyone --everyone-- was laughing at her, circling her, as she was dragged down into her grave, she could hear them chanting that she was mad, Ophelia was mad...

She began to whimper and cry in her sleep...

Jun. 25th, 2009


Who: Belladonna Boudreaux (OTA arival!)
Where: the lounge
What: cursing
Warnings: see 'what'

Belle had been traveling through Europe. Now that he guild had dissolved, thanks to her stupidity, she was free to do whatever she wanted. At the moment she wanted to never see her home again, which was a shame, really.

She'd had enough money socked away for a lengthy vacation, and had been eager to explore. Her world possessions now fit inside a rather large purse, and she felt freer than she ever had before.

However, the world was still dangerous. She slept tightly curled around her purse every night, a knife clenched in her hand. If any of the guildmembers she'd betrayed came to kill her, she wanted to be prepared.

She was sleeping soundly on the couch, truly exhausted. Her head was resting on the bag, tank top riding up to show a holster with a gun in it on the small of her back, not concealed by her pajama shorts at all. Despite losing her blanket, Belle slept, unaware of her new surroundings.

Jun. 22nd, 2009


[Entry post: open to all]

She hadn't meant to fall asleep.

But once she'd sat down on her broken-down sofa, it had come upon her suddenly. She'd laid down on her side and squished her wings against the back of it, and her last coherent thought was that her wings were going to ache in the morning.


When she awoke, she found herself in unfamiliar surroundings. She sat up, her wings furling out in a nervous flutter of feathers, crashing into the back of the new sofa and knocking a vase from a small table. Looking around her with wide eyes, she began to panic--who had her now?

She found the Palm Pilot--more technology than she'd ever held at one time in her life--in front of her. She picked it up; though she'd never used one before, she knew how to use one from watching others.

Angela had been poor all of her life. She'd never had a family and had just started making a home for herself. And now all of that was gone. It hadn't been much, really, a few sticks of furniture in a rented room, but it had been hers.

The information on the Palm worried her, and she pulled her knees to her chest. War? Choosing sides? Why would she want to choose sides? Flight was her only defense. What weapons would they use? She shivered, the patch of feathers between her wings and down her back ruffling as she did so.

What was she going to do?

Jun. 21st, 2009


RP: Siriusly curious

Who: Sirius (older/AV), Bellladonna
Where: Celestial Night Inne
When: Early afternoon
Rating: PG at least
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Sirius has a drink and draws some parallels.

here I am expecting just a little bit // too much from the wounded )


RP: Questionable progress

Who: Rogue, open
Where: Lounge
When: Late morning
Rating: PG
Status: Open, ongoing
Summary: Rogue is trying to figure out if anything is actually going to happen

And we'll be beaten down without mercy or meaning // I turn my face to a careless skyline // I'm searching hard for a sign from heaven // But they've forgotten me here )


RP: Waiting, Watching, Wondering

Who: Jan, open
Where: Cafeteria
When: Breakfast tiems
Rating: PG
Status: Open, ongoing
Summary: Jan ponders the status and situations

What tragedy may bring // Whatever may fall // The end of the world // You'll still belong )


RP: Hunting

Who: Chase, open
Where: Around
When: When? Then. Now? Just now.
Rating: R. He swears
Status: Open, ongoing
Summary: Chase is looking for trouble

So fall asleep with the windows open // Come to me with the worst you've said and done // You'll close your eyes and see me // A little death makes life more meaningful )

Jun. 20th, 2009


RP: Jaime is Bored

Who: Jaime, poking the hell out of Mal
Where: Their room
When: Late morning
Rating: R
Status: Closed, ongoing
Summary: Jaime is bored, and turns to Mal for something to do.

Tell me a story ... )


RP: Wolfsbane revisited

Who: Tris, Lily, Lily
Where: Potion lab
When: Late morning
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed
Summary: Tris and the Lilys work on the Wolfsbane potion

I saw a werewolf drinkin a pina colada at Trader Vic's // And his hair was perfect. // ahhhooooo, werewolves of London )

Jun. 16th, 2009


Who: Hephaestus and Open
What: Hephaestus creates a smithery
Where: A building in the market area---
When: Started Friday; Continuing Tuesday
Rating: PG so far

Of olden days came the power, of olden times came the passion, of now came the need... )

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