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October 7th, 2010

[info]unbroken_queen in [info]erotic_city

Sex Questions

1. Have you ever been mistaken for a prostitute? *icy stare of doom*
2. How many sexual partners have you had in your lifetime? Enough to know who sucks.
3. Have you ever tasted yourself? Who wrote these questions?
4. Do you like having sex in front of a mirror? A window? A live audience? No, no and no.
5. Which one of your parents do you believe you resemble, sexually speaking? Probably my father, or my grandfather.
6. Thinking back to Question #2, out of all the sex partners you have had, how many do you think:

a. Remember you? All, one way or the other. *smirk*
b. Would say they faked an orgasm with you? No.
c. Laugh about you and your performance? Not if they want to live long.
d. Would say you are/were the best they ever had? Probably the best, most elite, they could hope to get.
e. Would do it with you again, if given the chance? I'm sure they would, but I've moved on.

7. Are you hairy? Do you think your partners like your body hair or lack thereof? Would you wax, if they asked? I wax in places needed, and laser in others.
8. If the world were coming to an end, what one person would you choose to be your last sexual partner? Henry Tudor. What? I just want to see what all the fuss is about.
9. Who was the absolute worst lay that you can remember? Sir Francis Bryan. Not much to brag about, and faster than a speeding Jawa.
10. Your tongue...gifted or just a flop? My tongue is razor sharp, I've heard.
11. Are any of your parts stretched out more than most people? All parts of me are perfection.
12. If your main sex partner gained a hundred pounds, would you still do it with them? Of course not. If you have no respect for your body or looks, why should I?
13. Ever had an STD? Crabs? *eyebrow lift*
14. Favorite bedroom toy? Venusian 5500 Turbo
15. Would you do a striptease for anyone? Do you think anyone would for you? No and of course.
16. Do you sweat a lot during sex? Ladies never sweat. Certainly Princesses of Royal Blood would not.