Posts Tagged: 'series:+nocturne'


[Event (Spice) | Open]

[Naoya was… confused when he woke up, but the cloying scent of the air made him quickly aware of where he was. This place again…]

[He tries to move, and realizes that he's already upright, more or less. His arms are above him, a chain linking to a cuff on each one. He's also already naked, with thin socks on his feet his only clothing. The room is dim and cold, and he can see toys just at the edge of the light.]

[Ah. So that's what today's game is. The door is open… hopefully someone will arrive soon. He's not sure how long he can wait.]



[old event!]

...Definitely not where I went to sleep.

[ surveying his surroundings with some skepticism. noooot his room in the Lower Quarter. not any place he recognizes, he actually. after a beat, he drops his head with a sigh. ]

Man, what a pain.

((ooc: For a specific person, but anyone with (or without!) cat ears is welcome. ♥ CR or sex, boys or girls, I'm not picky and neither is he.))

[old event/open]

[Chiaki's lip curls in an almost-sneer, the almost is important, as she drums her fingers against the altar.]

[Prayer was an idiot's maxim and she would have no part of it. The messily stitched up scar in her shoulder, where her right arm should be, that was her prayer -- and it went unanswered.]

[Instead, she'll tear the pages out of the closest bible she can find,




((Voice test, but will be slow until the weekend, sorry.))