January 25th, 2010



event | closed

Eh? A necklace?



[non-event (kinda?) || mostly closed]

Ngh. [He's currently in a bathroom making all sorts of disgruntled noises. Amongst them, however, you'll hear the sound of clicking heels against linoleum and fabric being ruffled, smoothed, and pulled at by uneasy hands. As to why? Well. When Axel opens the door you'll see why--he's been asked ever-so nicely to wear this little number complete with black rimmed glasses and, yes, the thigh high boots. He opens the door carefully so as not to draw attention to himself, looks left and right down the hallway, and clicks off down the rows of rooms toward his intended destination.

Oh, you will pay for this one way or another, kid.

Axel finally reaches the door he'd been looking for and ends up rapping on it with his knuckle. He might not be entirely fond of it, but, hey, secretary!Axel. How often you gonna see that?]