November 26th, 2009



[Event, open]

[Once again he finds himself in this strange place. By himself this time, and in pitch blackness.

Being unable to see makes him a little uneasy, golden eyes shining a little in the darkness. There isn't enough light for him to see by, just vaguely able to sense things around him. Lind moves carefully around the room, trying not to run into anything.




[Event | Open]

[The dark didn't worry Fou-Lu. What was concerning was being in an unfamiliar place with an incredibly strange energy. He couldn't quite place it, or what it was trying to do to him, or why he had a key... Still, not being able to see was troublesome, and despite having all his powers back, he couldn't seem to get any light going. All that is left is to find a wall, follow it, and hope it leads to either an exit or a light source.]

(OOC: Fou-Lu of Breath of Fire IV here, from Marina~)

Intro | Event | Open

[And who would be wandering the halls but Riku himself, not really troubled by the dark. He sometimes has to stop and look around, and even place a hand out, but he doesn't seem too inconvenienced by this sudden shift. He's more concerned as to where he is instead of at the island.]



[Event | open]

Hmph. How boring.

[Well, because he's a Nobody of course Axel can see through the dark fairly well. But, hey, so long as it's dark he might as well take this opportunity to get some sleep, seeing as it's only his favorite to eating ice cream, of course.

So, after walking perfectly fine and dandily through a few hallways he finds a...seemingly unoccupied room, opens the door and flops down on the bed without regards to anything or anyone that could have claimed this room before him.

If there is anyone beside him you're either 1. going to be used as a pillow 2. be kicked roughly in the shin or 3. bothered by the sound of snoring. Take your pick and deal with it, ladies and gentleman; Axel needs his beauty rest.]

((OOC: Either you're in the room beforehand or not; doesn't ruffle my feathers any whatever you pick. XD))