September 14th, 2009


[Open | Event]

[All's quiet in the room with the confessional, but it's certainly occupied on the one side by none other than the Cloaked Schemer, content to staying in there for some peace and quiet for the time being. The door's locked on his end, and he's thumbing through a copy of the Bible, flipping through passages.]

Interesting. Still, it's little more than any other bedtime story. Hard to imagine it's one culture's prime base of theology, but...

[Zexion shrugs. It'll do, won't it? He browses more of Revelation, contenting himself for the time being. No one's really going to use the other side, are they?]

[Old Event'd: Welcome to the Dark Side][Not really open, but hey, if you wanna play, I won't say no]


when he awakens in this place again, it is not in the usual comfortable or pleasant situations he has begun to grow used to... )