August 3rd, 2009



[EVENT] 001


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir madames et monsieurs!

This week's theme is:

Your Other Self

You can see again, hear and speak again as if you had never lost the ability. But as you make your way along the corridors and peek into open rooms, there is... someone else with you. A little voice in your head urging you to explore... enticing you to do something you might not do ordinarily. You can't explain it, but the person over there you'd never look twice at -- or if you would, you wouldn't touch -- catches your attention and that little uninhibited devil on your shoulder would love to get your hands on them.

Joie de la vie~!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional and will be weekly, posted every Monday evening, EST.




Well, he's never seen a place quite like this before. Brothels and love hotels and places with reputations for discretion are nothing new, but this... is a vast deal larger than anything else he'd seen through his lives.

As he walks through the hallways, he unbuttons his collar as he looks for the room on his key.