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LYDIA. [03 Apr 2016|08:31pm]

This isn't working. This isn't going to work It's not getting better. But it's not getting worse, so...there is that. I figured I'd check in with you so you aren't stuck in panic mode wondering. I've never taken so many cold showers in my fucking life...

BARRY. [02 Apr 2016|04:14am]

Houston, we have a problem. What are the chances I could borrow the Flash for a science experiment?

[02 Apr 2016|03:27am]

Nobody drink the water or eat the food here. If you have, you should tell me, it's been having strange effects.

Please tell me you didn't drink anything.

[01 Apr 2016|09:13pm]

Don't drink the water out there because
This place is fucked up
My arm is going to fall off. It's literally going to fall off. If I don't chafe fir
I just miss Braeden, that's all it is. That's all it is, water doesn't do that. I'm just
It's fine

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the flowers actually sang to me when I was taking a run this morning.

[01 Apr 2016|03:36pm]

Okay... this is definitely not London. Apparently I stepped in the wrong part of the wacky abandoned house and ended up somewhere else. At least it's pretty here?

I'm Darcy. I don't suppose anyone has seen Jane Foster around?

[01 Apr 2016|01:57am]

Uh, guys?

We stopped...

[01 Apr 2016|01:46am]

They actually had dead deer in the meat locker.

The Also Humans are psycho, but they have good taste in food.

So, here's a question. This is a vacation, right? Well...um, we're not exactly going anywhere. What are we supposed to be doing? There aren't any events, or music, or anything like that. I mean, are we just supposed to entertain ourselves? I didn't think cruises worked like that.

[01 Apr 2016|01:43am]

Okay, the idiot toddlers are making this vacation a lot less awesome than it was before.

Who the hell are they? What the hell are they?

[31 Mar 2016|11:10pm]

Hello fellow humanS. Are you ready for the fucking adventure

iF you have any curiosities, we shall have a respond.

[31 Mar 2016|01:49am]

Has anyone been paying attention to the food? Has anyone seen anything strange?

Because I went into one of the restaurants a couple of days ago and finished off the fries that they had left, and I went back the next day and they were there again. So I thought I was going crazy, I finished them again and went back today. They're there again.

Someone is restocking this place.

[29 Mar 2016|09:01pm]

So. Hi everybody. Cosima Niehaus here. I'm a scientist, from California. It's been over twenty-four hours since I got here, and after the initial serious mental readjustment and some super helpful day drinking, I feel like maybe some organizing is in order. Basic survival type stuff. You know?

For one thing: has anyone found a first aid station? Infirmary? Any kind of medical supplies? And: Anybody with medical training? I know first aid, and a hell of a lot about anatomy, but that's about where my skills leave off.

For a second thing: We should get a headcount. Safety reasons. And any more information we have might help us see a pattern—a commonality that explains why this happened to us.

[30 Mar 2016|08:28am]


never again robot margaritas and waterslides

[29 Mar 2016|11:52pm]

This was definitely not part of the plan...

[29 Mar 2016|05:03pm]

Do any of you know how to cook? Because the kitchens are well stocked, but there's no staff here to prepare food.

[29 Mar 2016|08:46am]

There's a bar with robot arms that makes your drinks! Who wants to try to stump the bot with me?

[28 Mar 2016|10:19pm]

Well, holy crap.

Is this a kidnapping? A really screwed up viral marketing campaign taken way too far for ... cruise lines or new smartphones or something? I mean — either way — no thanks. I've kind of got really important shit to do.

.... also. Also Humans? Are you reading this, or what?

[28 Mar 2016|06:58pm]

I'm going to close my eyes and count to three and when I open them, I'm going to be in my bed.

3... 2... 1...


Did anybody try clicking their heels?

[28 Mar 2016|09:09am]

What the



This doesn't feel like a Push.

Would I really know if it was a good Push?


[27 Mar 2016|11:38pm]

You know, usually vacations are voluntary. But I guess since English defintely isn't the first language of these Also Humans, I can give 'em a pass there. And maybe I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt on their intentions. First non-consensual probing, though, and I'm going to be having words with someone.

I am however, going to take offense at some of the things I definitely had on me no longer being on me. Anyone comes across a real unique looking wrist strap, I'd really appreicate if you let me know. And don't press any of the shiny bits.

[28 Mar 2016|12:58am]

It was supposed to be over
We were supposed to be able to rest

Alright, it's obvious that none of us know what's going on right now and everybody seems confused so let's try to gather ourselves and tackle this like adults. At least, I hope we're all adults

My name is Lydia Martin, I come from Beacon Hills, California. We're all obviously different genders and ages so it doesn't look like that's the common link between all of us, but I'm assuming we all got the weird note? Whoever is here obviously got this glass thing, that's the only parallels I can draw so far.

Here's the obvious question I doubt anyone has a good answer to; does anybody here know how to navigate a giant cruise ship? If not, does anybody know how to navigate or figure out our general location? If we can get a handle on where we are we might be able to work together and find a way to get ourselves on land and take it from there.

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