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[28 Mar 2016|12:43am]

I've been called a lot of things but 'homosapien' has never been one. I don't know why I'm insulted, it's not inaccurate but I mean... that seems sort of rude.

All of this is rude.

This is the worst and most realistic nightmare I've ever experienced.

[28 Mar 2016|12:20am]

"Welcome, Homosapien," huh? Well, all righty then. Guessing English isn't your first language, there, "Also Humans."

Did I meet quota? Is that what this is? Because I could get used to this. No more Post-its.

[28 Mar 2016|12:09am]

I'm sorry indefinite? No, no, look, thank you for the invite, but this is not a good time for me to be taking an indefinite vacation.

[27 Mar 2016|10:09pm]

How do I get de-selected from whatever the hell this is.

[28 Mar 2016|12:03am]

Holy crap, this room is fancy.

Do I have to share it?

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