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[22 Apr 2016|01:49pm]

Okay... now what's going on? Weren't we just on water? Now we're sitting in a desert. What the hell?

Anyone have any explanations for this one?

[20 Apr 2016|05:54pm]

Guess the new kids don't get a pass. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, assholes, whoever or whatever you are.

[20 Apr 2016|04:03pm]

[Violent tendencies. Move to category 4.]

[18 Apr 2016|08:53am]

Whoever you are that brought me here not humans, I understand I may look like I need a vacation, but really, I just need to be getting back. Now.

[16 Apr 2016|04:37pm]

Alright I think that's enough with these damn videos. There has to be a networking source somewhere on this ship, something that makes this thing run. If we can find it we can probably shut the whole thing down.

Unless you're all enjoying having peoples lives pasted in public for all of us to see.

[16 Apr 2016|03:13pm]

[Definition of impossible does not compute. More research required.]

[15 Apr 2016|07:45pm]

[Temper. Reassign to category 5. Provide no firearms.]

[15 Apr 2016|01:11am]

[t is the best of the bonding exercises no?]

[14 Apr 2016|09:47pm]

[Man of science, please do be enjoying.]

((From Mick being hit to Ray and Mick in cell))

[13 Apr 2016|09:17pm]

[Yes, what does Jack Harkness know?]

[13 Apr 2016|12:30am]

[Please enjoy this video for your enjoyment!]

[12 Apr 2016|06:41pm]

What kind of complete moron wrote this crock of shit letter? Because if you are human then you're also an idiot.

And I'd like to show you what I think of this 'vacation'.

[11 Apr 2016|10:34pm]

Huh... this is new.

Paige? Is this some sort of practical joke? Did I do something to piss you off?

[11 Apr 2016|08:42am]

The Also Humans? Yeah, that's super convincing Also Humans, thanks for that. How many people are stuck on this thing?

[08 Apr 2016|12:23pm]

A few things -

1. I've finally basically mastered using the espresso machine in the coffee shop. Anyone want lessons or fancy ass coffee? I'm kind of day camping in there anyway.

2. I've been looking for any kind of access to the ship's back-stage operations, or network, or... anything, really. No luck.

3. I did find a scrabble board. If anyone wants in on a game.

[07 Apr 2016|07:48pm]

What do you guys think are the chances that we're on our way home now?

I really hope you're doing better because if you're not, we no longer have access to anything in that place that may have helped us find a cure.

How's you're not so little situation going?

[07 Apr 2016|10:05am]

Guess our 'fucking adventure' in Wonderland is over.

I'm kind of afraid to find out what our captors have planned for us next.

QUEEN. [06 Apr 2016|12:47am]

Hey, so...I'm an idiot and I'm going to drink away my stupid. You want to take a break from the working on a cure thing to join me for a little bit, maybe?

[05 Apr 2016|11:15pm]

Uh, so, I don't know what the hell was in that cake I ate, but I'm horny as hell.

Any lovely ladies wanna give me a hand with that?

[04 Apr 2016|07:10pm]


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